Relationship between nature and humanity by @carnohedesing

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Nothing more beautiful than admiring nature, it is undoubtedly a great creation, unfortunately man does not know how to give it the value it deserves, and usually destroys it, sometimes unintentionally, but he does it.

If you have a beautiful flower in your hand, which is there near you, which you can take care of, maintain, protect, give it all your love and affection, why don't you do it, why do you decide to ignore it, leave it aside, forget about it.

Nada mas hermoso que admirar la naturaleza, sin duda es gran creación, lamentablemente el hombre no sabe darle el valor que se merece, y suele destruirla, a veces sin intención, pero lo hace.

Si tienes una hermosa flor en tu mano, que esta allí cerca de ti, la cual puedes cuidar, mantener, proteger, darle todo tu amor y cariño, porque no lo haces, porque decides ignorarla, dejarla a un lado, olvidarte de ella.


I think this is what happens with people, sometimes they do not know how to value what life puts in their way, they decide to simply ignore them, leave them behind and forget about them, as if they never existed, how easy it is for some people to do this.

However, on the other hand, there are those who do not understand all this, how difficult it all is, how difficult it is to understand life and its things.

Pienso así sucede con las personas, hay veces que no saben valorar lo que la vida les pone en su camino, deciden simplemente ignorarlas, dejarlas atrás y olvidarse de ella, como si nunca hubiera existido, que fácil para algunos les resulta hacer esto.

Sin embargo, por otro lado están los que no logran entender todo esto, que difícil es todo, que difícil es entender la vida y sus cosas.

Foto de mi propiedad.


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