in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

The nasty little sewer rat, Twitch, has found a beautiful corner in my heart to ferment in. Twitch's repugnant quotes and eerie voice just adds that much more zang to his entire lore. He is supposed to be a vile character from the sewers with an unsatiated taste for nothing good. And playing him with Ability Power (AP) instead of his more suited Attack Damage (AD) makes him exactly that - disgusting!

If it weren't for now popular Twitch.TV streamer, RATirl, I wouldn't have known AP Twitch. I would still be playing AD twitch with mediocre results. RATirl shot up in fame after taking over ranked games with his AP Twitch, ironically which he despises now.

"Sneaky sneaky sneakyyy..."


Look at this poor Jinx. She has no clue what's coming. The only mistake she did was trying to push the wave when I was gone. And now she is half HP and I am AP Twitch. By the time she sees me, I will be in range to land a few auto attacks, slow her and kill her with my fully stacked passive ability poison.

The surprise factor twitch has is the most fun. It is also the scariest thing for the enemy team. You press Q and suddenly you are invisible on the map for quite some time. You pop out of nowhere and he screams "I was hiding!" with bonus attack speed and catches you by surprise.

Unlike AD Twitch who needs to focus on putting out the most damage and surviving, AP Twitch has to additionally be played as an assassin - find potential targets, time your movement correctly, be sneaky, get the kill and then go back to lane.

Oh look, a low health but level 12 Zed and a support Rakan. Not a problem for AP Twitch with Runaan's Hurricane and Nashor's Tooth items. Even if Zed uses his ultimate, and Rakaan knocks up Twitch, there is just enough AP and attack speed for me to kill the both of them. Disgusting....ly fun!

"What doesn't kill you just isn't finished yet."

AP Twitch really lives up to this quote. It is as if it was made for AP Twitch. His passive ability poison and the AP ratio on his E is a deadly combo. A fully stacked poison will do True Damage and the damage from his E will be much much higher with an AP build. It melts HP bars.

Jinx is escaping with at least 70 HP after a fight under her tower, she also got 2 shields, 1 from Rakaan's Guardian and Rakaan's Shield. I already used my E and she still lives...until the fully stacked poison gets her and her happy thoughts of surviving that fight are shattered.

Then there is the fed Kha'zix who wanted to assassinate me under my own tower. But now he is fleeing. He has around 400 HP. But look at that! Fully stacked poison and I haven't even pressed E yet. The poor thing gave me a big bag of shutdown gold.

Honestly, the most I have is not assassinating assassins. It is during team fights. A fed AP Twitch is very scary because you never know which side he pops out from and how quickly is going to kill you. In a team fight, I can stay invisible for a long time and decide which angle I want to attack from. With Runaan's Hurricane, I can inflict multiple targets. Someone is bound to die before they even touch me.


"Dip it in sewage,leave it in the sun for a while. OH YES! that's perfect! YES!"


Riot recognized how tilting AP Twitch can be. They tried to shift the tides by buffing his AD ratios on the ultimate ability. Yes, it makes AD Twitch a little stronger but he is still so mediocre compared to AP Twitch's deadliness.

I am thoroughly enjoying this variation of a typical botlane champ. It feels fresh, new, and hopeful. Also, I loooove the character design. Nasty, dirty, and unempathetic. If you want to listen to his quotes you can check 'em out here. Inb4 I start quoting them IRL.


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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan