Snippets #1.....One night in heaven

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

I'd arrived on Corfu after spending several months hitchhiking around Europe with a friend ( Corfu is a large Greek island, lying off the western coast of Greece).

I'd found a job 'touting' in one of the many bars after a few days.


My job was persuade people into the bar of course , and then get them to spend their holiday money with us.

I soon figured out that the most efficient way to fill up the bar - and to keep it full until the early hours - was the girlies !
You fill the bar full of girls and then, bizarrely, all the guys followed !
Rocket science ? ....No.
A good business strategy ? ...Absolutely.

I made the point of spending 90% of my time on the street just flirting with the numerous hotties that were walking past and leaving the guys to use their own bloody initiative !
(while this may come as a total surprise to everyone who reads my blogs - I'm such a flirt! )

While I might resemble quasi modo having a really bad day, it's a strange fact of life that that when you work in these holiday resorts (as opposed to being just another holiday maker) , and are not shy to boot (I'm not shy), You seem to become an uber attractive stud !lololol...

Anyways, on this particular night , I was on the hunt for prey - err valued customers - and I zoned in, all cheetah like, on these three mega babes who were walking towards me.
And drop dead gorgeous.

Way out of my league in the looks department, but not being shy - and being a worker to boot - you're elevated to (fill in the good looking guy of your choice, here) , status.

It turns out that they were two sisters, and a friend.
And not only lush, but Irish girls as a bonus !
(my personal weakness in the girly department - the Irish accent).

So a fter the uber flirt and the well used one liners, I persuaded them into the bar for a drink (or seven).
I left my touting position on the street completely vacant at this point, so as to go and flirt with one of them that I thought was particular hot.... (yeah, I took my job very ).

After a few drinks, me and the girl that I found attractive (ie as hot as fuck), really hit it off.
It was one of those very rare moments that you have in your life - ones that don't come around very often.

They decided to stay in the bar all night, and not go elsewhere - which definitely suited me !
Much later on and the bar was emptying as the crowds went off to the various nightclubs down the strip - to dance the night away or pull someone back to their chalet for 'a night of pash' - whichever (mostly the latter, tbh ).

My 'vision of perfection' - of Irish heaven in female form, was still at the bar chatting away to me.

Then she said to me, totally out of the blue, "Do you just wanna fuck me, or what?"

"No !" I replied (and I actually meant it this time).. ." I wanna lie in bed with you afterwards, and have a cigarette and talk and , like, everything ! .."

This reply had an unexpected response.

She was drinking her beer at the time.
As my response hit her ears, she then proceeded to blow out all the beer that she had in her mouth, out, while laughing her tits off...

"You have so pulled", She said to me , laughing away (and looking very undignified with lots of spit out beer , all over her).

And so I had .
No, I'm not going into the details.

.....She was leaving in two days time but we spent all of that time together, until she'd gone back home (we even had ' a quickie' against the wall , around the corner from where they were all getting onto the coach to go to the airport - and yes, it was totally romantic - really).

We said our goodbyes with me promising to come over and see her when I returned home.
And I did.
I had to fly home to get a new passport after the holiday season to fly out to South east Asia (Thailand) for the first time.

I spent a week or so at her place in Dublin and we took up exactly where we'd left off from a few months previously.
I knocked on her door in Ireland after an loooong, bad hitch, from the northwest of England - a long, difficult, wet, hitch, I might add.
We gave each other a massive hug and kisses, and I said "I need to go to bed, I really do..."
She then replied " I can't I really do have to go to work, I'll nip straight up when I get back later ..."
I explained to her that what I meant , was that I really needed to get some some sleep....
"Ohhhhhhhh!" She said, and gave me her ultra sexy laugh, and out she went to work.

.....we had no 'awkward moments' after several months apart, it has to be said !

She then followed me to Thailand a few weeks later.
And then we spent several years together traveling around the globe together, and getting up to all sorts of mischief...

Not my Irish Coleen from the past , but very similar.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Here you are!

As you say, a really rare matching constellation in the star of romantic young encounters. I congratulate you on this experience, which not only turned out to be unique, but even had a sequel. Were you able to continue the ease of your existence? Oh, you'd better not tell me. The story is good the way it is!

Thank you for sharing this snippet, it says a lot more than it does. HaHa!

Looking forward to read follow ups which you are promising :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Were you able to continue the ease of your existence?

What does this mean ? lol...

If I wrote 5 a day, I'd probably be dead before finishing them, I kid you not...(well, I probably do kid you a little - thinking about it)...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I mean the nature of the relationship between that girl and you.
I was actually asking if you are still friends?
But also, the questioned contained wanting to know if the ending (of being easy peasy sexy) - meaning losing sight of each other, if so - was as relaxed as the beginning, which I would call mastering a relationship.

Write two bites a day and you shall be finde ;-)

How romantic. Well not exactly Mills and Boon but when it comes to Irish girls pretty close hahaha. I'm kinda the opposite geographically to this story as I used to come to Ireland to get jiggy but I'll save that for my own realitybites........
My hair does that mad corkscrew curl thing whenever it gets rained on especially by Irish rain. Something in the water.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Believe it or not (probably not), I am a romantic.
It takes total world fuck ups to bring out the cynical side in me...

....wait for the my 'third trip to tip' , felile 92(?) a doozy there....thanks for reminding me ! My first experience of 'the Irish collen', as it were - and that crazy weekend was the whole motivation behind ditching my 'normal life', and going a rambling around the world for 3 decades!

My hair does that mad corkscrew curl thing whenever it gets rained on especially by Irish rain.

Oh, stop it ..... ya bleedin' bollox ya ! lol....

spiral blondes.gif

haddaway 'n' shoit

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lolol ...
I have a question for you.
Are you trustworthy? (a yes or no will suffice!lol)

Would you like to make quite a bit of money for very little work (it's all legit!).

I have - hopefully at this point- 'rather a large amount' of money coming to me.
I say hopefully, because I'm not looking at the policy until it's ready for taking. (in theory anything between 15k and 100k - but who the hell knows in 12 months or so ?)
Like I say, I'm assuming that I'll get jack shit, hence not even looking at it until I can get my hands on it.. (a policy that's 30 years old that I paid into , when I had a normal life).

On the off chance it is worth something - I can give you power of attorney to stick into your account, and then send to me over here - Minus your cut obviously - would you be interested?
It'lll be very decent money for bugger all work I think) - a few grand for ya, if it turns out well.
If it's very low money, I'll just leave it.

I really don't wanna go back there for a week or three just to do paperwork, I'd prefer to give you power of attorney over it and give you some dosh instead for, (maybe) a trip to Manchester.

I won't know for a while yet - i.e sums etc- 12 months-ish - so just putting out feelers. (I'd trust you more than my family , even if you're a vegetarian! lol)

I might be able to sort it all out from here, I dunno yet - like I said, I'm not even bothering to dig out the paperwork until it's time.

Sounds like one of those nigerian scams hahahahaha
I am the most trustworthy person I know but I am not in the uk, I'm in Ireland. My aunt used to live in Manchester but she's dead and not trustworthy.
I could travel to manchester is it was worth it, am looking at going to visit me fam in Brighton but looks like flying is the only cheap option now, even coaches are ridiculously expensive now. I hate airports!!!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No problem - if it works out (still a big 'if' at the moment), you can tour to brighton on me ! ...I'll pay for any expenses.
Now we just have to wait for year, to see if it's worth it...

The way things are going I'll be travelling to Brighton on a horse n cart. Not sure that's allowed for vegans tho.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol...but you do realise using the same avatar gives it away?

Shit! This post is too old to upvote!!!!! What a cute story mate! 😍😍😍😍😍😍