Portugal - Beauty is around the next corner

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

Everytime when we´re traveling and exploring new countries and cities I try to not focus too much on the obvious things. This time we got a Marco Polo Travelguide but actually don´t use it. This way we avoid getting stuck in any tourist traps or do sightseeing with hundreds of other tourists. Of course I also try to see some of the main attractions of a city but I prefer to just go and explore on my own.



This church for example, it´s probably in the travelguide and well known, but we´ve found it by just strolling around after dinner at perfect light just before sunset.



Same with all the beautiful art I find here in Lagos. Nowadays it´s easy to find it as there are streetart guides for almost every city. I use them as well, but then you find these little beautiful and sometimes funny things just by wandering through small alleys.




This one is just awesome, at first I only saw the leaves, I followed them to find out it´s across the whole building. Briliant.





One thing that really interests me here in Portugal is what the many dilapidated houses are all about. You really see them everywhere. I have the feeling that there is at least one of these houses in every street.

While they give you perfect motives it´s sad to see it falling apart like that.




So last but not least I´ve a tricky question for you. Does anyone know what this is good for? Saw that on almost all houses in a small village here in Portugal.


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