Lagos - Point of Pity

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

On the western end of Lagos there is a scenic headland called Ponta da Piedade or Point of Pity. I have no idea where that name comes from but it has definitely nothing to do with the beauty that this natural landmark provides.

You can either explore it by boat, kayak or whatever floats on water or you can just walk around the steep cliffs on any of the many path up there. There is a eastside and a westside of this headland and one is more beautiful than the other. At the most southern tip of it there is the Farol da Ponta da Piedade Lagos, the Lighthouse of Lagos.



I´ve already walked the western side where there is a nice wooden path all along the way until Praia de Porto Mos that is a beautiful surfing beach during winter months. Unfortunately this day I did not have my camera with me but this shot is from that day.

Anyway, back to the eastside where I walked along the cliffs a few days ago. Again, I wasn´t lucky with the weather as it was cloudy. As you can imagine, this place looks a hundred times better when you´ve a clear blue sky and even better on a sunset.





To have a boat or a Kayak at least seems like a must to me as otherwise you won´t be able to explore most of the beaches around that headland. There are some steep paths down to some of these beaches but I´ve seen people struggling getting up again.

By the way, the second photo below is the Nude Beach of Lagos and as far as I could see one of the most beautiful down there.



The walk on that cliff seems endless and as far as you can see there is only crystal blue water and golden sandstone cliffs. Next time I will bring my Telelens as there are plenty of seagulls and other birds up here.

You should definitely watch your step while walking here as at some points there is no solid ground under your feet and some strange holes appear out of nowhere.

Another interesting fact is that I found not only one seashell up here, that tells me, that the water level once was up to here.






At the end of the walk over these dusty cliffs you will reach Praia do Camilo a very crowded ( at least at weekends and in summer) but not less beautiful beach. The photo down the steps is a very well known spot among photographers and you´ve probably seen that already.


I already love it here in Lagos and looking forward to my time here. Who knows, maybe we decide to finally settle here. One thing I can tell you for sure, wait for my next story about the westside of the cliffs as in my opinion its even more beautiful.

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