මොණරකුඩුම්බිය - "Monarakudumbiya" - Vernonia cinerea

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

මොණරකුඩුම්බිය - "Monarakudumbiya" - Vernonia cinerea

I thought it will be great to add some information about this herbal plant to the internet. Monarakudumbiya or in sinhala sometimes we call this plant "kobei kola " or " wathupala". This is a very valuable plant with gifted chemical structure.


I captured these images from my garden. This herb is protected in my garden as I often use this to make a herbal drink called " kola kandha" . I will add the recipe near future.


In Sri Lankan , traditional sinhala treatment methods use this herb to make a lot of medicine types for different illnesses. Some of them are Fever, Urinary calculus, Dysuria, Hemorrhoids etc. Each and every body part of this plant is used for medical purposes.


This plant is not endemic to Sri Lanka. It can be also found in the African region. But if you refer to internet you can see that it can be found in anywhere in the world.

Cyanthillium cinereum (also known as little ironweed and poovamkurunnal or poovamkurunnila in Malayalam, and monara kudumbiya in Sinhalese) is a species of perennial plants in the sunflower family. The species is native to tropical Africa and to tropical Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Indonesia, etc.) and has become naturalized in Australia, Mesoamerica, tropical South America, the West Indies, and the US State of Floridasource


Hope I added something to your knowledge. Let's meet again with something exciting.
Thank you

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