The celebrity

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

I’m not that up with the majority of celebrity culture. I am aware of people (mainly because if you have any kind of online presence you usually pick stuff up in passing) but I likely wouldn’t notice if they passed me in the street, although that could be because I’m too busy looking at birds or clouds 😆.


But I occasionally consider what it might be like to be the object of so much attention.
What I’ve noticed is that the minute someone is in the public eye like that, for as many people as there are supporting them (and to get to that level there’s no doubt that they are great in number)
there’s an opposing group that feel just as strongly but are standing in hate.


People suddenly think it’s ok to say anything they want to about these people. Sometimes extremely derogatory and accusatory often with little to no founding but distant heresay or because ‘I dunno I just hate them’.
I mean, maybe it doesn’t bother them, maybe they sit in their gilded castles high on life and coffee enemas, safe and sound away from all the bullshit, but there’s many a famous person who has been tortured enough to consider or partake in death by suicide. They are still just people.

And people make mistakes. I mean really think about it. Along with all these imaginary evils now every meltdown and brain fart, any false step or fuck up and there’s a chance it could be up for public scrutiny. Maybe other people don’t have as many cringe worthy moments as me and don’t find the idea of this terrifying, but terrify me it does.


It’s like these people are suddenly commodities, everyone clambering to buy into a piece of their life.
But I figure that’s something you would know when you seek out a life in the limelight. Or would learn soon enough.
For all it’s evils there’s lots of positive aspects for sure. Whilst I don’t think I would ever actively seek it as a main focus, I would certainly welcome the freedom of it. After all, you can go through life without the world knowing your name but the experience of being both loved and hated, proud and shameful in the extremes is not exclusive to the celebrity, we all experience it. From the outside world and ourselves (our inner voice). So why not get paid for the trouble? It does make sense.

Would you love to be a celebrity, are you already one (even if it’s only in your head), or would you never venture or seek that level of attention?

Do you think it’s ok to be hateful without really knowing someone?

Have a wonderful weekend
S ❤️🙏

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