Victims should be saved

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

The car hit me, sent me flying from my feet. I landed on my back on the ground with a loud thud

The impact was critical my whole body was on fire with pain

I lay there helplessly trying to move but any attempt made my whole body screams in pain

People gathered I could feel it because the atmosphere became thick. I was struggling to breath but I couldn’t tell them to make a way for that. God they are suffocating me.

Someone tell them it’s not a good idea to gather round a victim. You can form a ' U' or 'V' shape but do not form an 'O' round the victim that alone is enough to kill him.

But I couldn’t speak all of that. So I lay there helplessly. Struggling to breath but all they could see was me kicking my last.

I waited hoping a good Samaritan will help me at least that will be the benefits of this gathering

But it never came

I felt someone touch but screamed
“Ewooo he is dead”

I wanted to scream am not please help me
But when I opened my mouth only liquid flowed out I guess it’s my blood. I tried to move to give them a sign but I couldn’t

They all stood screaming and saying so many things

Jesus why can’t someone help me already, Send me your help from heaven.
I had clicks and clicks and through my clouded eyes . I saw flashes on me
They were taking a picture of me

What is the fun in watching a picture of a dead man. When you could help at least try to help

What sort of world am I born into. I knew this is how I will die

The pain is too much I can’t take it anymore. The atmosphere is hot, my body screams pain, I am swimming in a pool I know it’s my blood

“ Oh God of my poor mother, why take me away from her like this. Who will shield her, who will feed her who will give her a reason to live” I cried remembering my mother

“ So this is the end of me…….”

I was still talking to myself when I had someone shouting something like “ move he still has a pulse. He could be saved”
Oh my helper has come

“I will be saved if you help” I muttered

Am not giving up, I am a fighter. My mother said so that is why she named me
Chukwubuikem ( God is my strength) He will strengthen me

I said as I was lifted up into something I felt to be a car. I struggled to stay awake but darkness was slowly taking over

“As I close my eyes ,God don’t let me die” I prayed

“ Drive fast he is bleeding too bad” I had the voice of a woman say
As darkness consumed me…….

victims should be saved not videoed

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