「Day 32」清晨那一抹绿🍀In the early morning that a green

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Good morning life have love 💚 every morning is the beginning of a beautiful ~

When the first light of morning comes through my window and into my room... I woke up naturally

I rub my drowsy eyes... Feel sleep well last night oh ~ wake up spirit air drops, it's nice to be 🌻 😊

Walking between neighborhoods in the early morning... In that instant... I am surprised to find that a green 🍀 in the autumn

早上好生活有爱💚 每天的早晨都是一个美丽的开始~

当清晨的第一缕光穿透我家窗户,照进我的房间时...... 我自然地醒了~

我揉揉朦胧的睡眼... 感觉昨晚睡眠好好喔~ 一醒来精神气爽滴,真好🌻😊

走在清晨的小区间… 就在那一瞬间… 我惊喜地发现了一抹秋日里的绿色🍀


Early in the morning to see the leaves of the trees green 🌱 I seem to can't believe these eyeful green... Can I view told me that they do with pale green leaf 🌱 I seemed to be shocked by this eyeful green... All sorts of thoughts rushed into my mind

I feel the power of a sweet heart... The force that drove me strode in that hopeful direction...

The green... Green so full of vitality, green so lovely extremely ~ good like good like ah!

It is the most beautiful and dynamic picture in my mind... It indicates that we should work hard and study well... Cherish the moment... Cherish the precious time ~ love the hard-won life, make progress! 🤗

清晨能看到那些树上嫩绿的叶子🌱 我似乎不敢相信这些满眼的绿色… 可我的视野告诉我,它们的的确确长满了嫩绿的叶子🌱 我仿佛被这满眼的绿光给震住了…… 各种各样的思绪都涌向我的脑海里

我感到了一股清馨的力量... 那力量驱使着我大步向那个充满希望的方向......

那一抹绿... 绿得那样充满活力,绿得那样可爱至极~ 好喜欢好喜欢啊!

它是我心中最美好最有活力的画面...... 它预示着我们应该认真工作,好好学习… 好好珍惜当下… 好好珍惜宝贵的时间~ 热爱来之不易的生活,奋发向上!🤗

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

环境也太好了吧 羡慕中

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

呵~ 你们家附近应该也🈶留心一下就会看到😊

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

是的~ 没事多看看绿色植物养眼💚