Winter came back ❄️❄️❄️

in blurtlife •  4 months ago 


I woke up at six in the morning, feeling tired and exhausted. Insomnia has recently become my constant companion. I fall asleep only after two o'clock at night, and then I wake up several times during the night.


Approaching the window, I couldn't believe my eyes: everything was covered in snow! Snowflakes swirled outside the window, enveloping the world in a white blanket. The sun barely broke through the thick clouds, casting everything in a gray light. That's how, unexpectedly and unceremoniously, winter returned to our city. On the one hand, it was beautiful, like a fairy tale. On the other hand, my plans for the day were ruined.


My dogs were clearly enjoying the weather. They ran around the yard, barking and rolling in the snow. They probably didn't care if it was winter or summer, since they lived in a warm house.


But I didn't share their enthusiasm at all. I had a lot of work planned for these days, because I needed to free up a day to visit my daughter. But because of insomnia and disgusting weather, I couldn't do anything. I tried to write something in the morning, but only managed to write two pages, and not the best ones. And I also felt a little sick.


I barely forced myself to go outside to open the birdhouse. I thought that maybe all this snow was because of me, or rather, because of my plans. After all, I was going to evict the chicken Josephine and the rooster Pierre from the birdhouse today. Isn't it warm already? Here's a present for you in the morning!


The rest of the birds reacted normally to the weather changes. They are in feathers, and Josephine and Pierre are naked.

But I was worried about my plants. My poor magnolia was about to bloom. And now it stands all confused and unhappy. Many of my plants have already started to grow, and here is winter again.


Well, I'll have to break my plans again. I guess my daughter will have to wait. And I'll take a blanket, sit by the window with a cup of coffee and watch this winter fairy tale.

Maybe there are some advantages to this unexpected winter. After all, winter is a time for peace, reflection and new plans.

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