Spring thoughts

in blurtlife •  4 months ago 


March has arrived in a whirlwind! Spring seems to be bursting onto the scene far earlier than usual this year. Just a couple of weeks ago, the landscape was cloaked in a blanket of snow. Now, the sun beams down, a welcome change from the long, gloomy winter. Streams gurgle merrily, as if awakened from a slumber, and the first shoots of brave new plant life are pushing their way through the earth. The delicate white petals of snowdrops have even begun to peek out from the forest floor, heralding the arrival of the season.

My own backyard is a symphony of awakening. Crows and sparrows flit from branch to branch, their calls echoing through the crisp air. They're clearly feeling the sun's warmth on their feathers, a bit bewildered perhaps by this early spring. Their excited chatter fills the morning – one can almost imagine them bickering about who gets the prime nesting spot, what kind of twigs to use in their "cupboard," and what shade of green to paint the "walls" with their chirps and squawks!

This burst of sunshine is a much-needed tonic after the long winter. I find myself drawn outdoors, eager to soak up the rejuvenating rays and recharge my batteries. A walk in the woods sounds utterly idyllic, but with the tick population booming right now, I have to prioritize the safety of my furry companions. Perhaps a stroll through the park will have to suffice for now, with a promise of a deeper exploration of the woods when the tick threat subsides.



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