An Uninvited Guest

in blurtlife •  4 months ago 


It seemed that spring had already arrived in our region, pushing out the gloomy winter. February, surprisingly, turned out to be warm and sunny. The melted water dripped from the roofs, revealing patches of reddish earth. Sparrows were bustling about, building nests, and children in the yards were chasing a ball, rejoicing in the first rays of the sun.

But this morning everything changed. A blizzard was raging outside the window, like an uninvited guest who appeared without an invitation. The wind howled, whining like a wolf, and the snow fell in thick flakes, covering everything around with a white veil.

The weather was unpleasant. Not so much cold as damp. The dampness penetrated to the bone, making the hands and feet cold. People, wrapped in scarves and hats, hurried about their business, trying not to stay outside.

In such weather, one did not want to leave the house. One wanted to get under a warm blanket, wrap oneself in a cozy knitted scarf, drink hot tea with lemon and read a book, hiding from the bad weather.

But life does not stop. It was necessary to go to work, to school, to kindergarten. Small children whimpered, not wanting to get out of their warm beds, and their parents, struggling with drowsiness, wrapped them in down jackets and hats.

The streets of the city were bustling. Cars, slipping on the snowy road, barely crawled, дворники swept the snow, and passers-by, cowering from the cold, hurried about their business.

Cafes and shops were crowded. People, fleeing the blizzard, came in to warm up and have a cup of coffee. The air was filled with the smell of wet clothes, coffee and pastries.

Despite the bad weather, there was hope in my heart. After all, spring will definitely come. And it will definitely be beautiful.

Evening came. The blizzard gradually subsided, leaving behind a white fluffy blanket. The frosty air smelled of fresh snow. The lanterns were lit, and the city was transformed, becoming like a magical fairy tale.

The windows of the houses were lit up, creating an atmosphere of coziness and warmth. Families gathered for dinner, shared their impressions of the day and made plans for the future.

Spring will definitely come. And it will definitely be beautiful.




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Same here in Canada. We went from Summer back to Winter in one night.

Curated by @ultravioletmag

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