I Support Local Business ~ The Fountains of Youth 💦 in the UK 🇬🇧

in blurtlife •  3 years ago 

It always amazes me that whenever I walk down the Canal path into Town. There is often something or other new and interesting that has been erected recently. Perhaps because I don't always go to the exact same part of Town all the time. It just depends which shops I need to visit, and I don't always notice things around me. Just me walking in a daze you might say LOL and not paying attention.

Supporting my local shops and businesses are very important to me, even though ordering stuff On-Line is most often cheaper. Some things are just nice to inspect before buying, clothes for example. I'm quite particular with getting the correct sizes and colors right. Pictures in magazines often lie LOL

Our Local Council is responsible for most things that happen in Town. This includes repairs and daily maintenance to pavements and cutting trees etc. So I was pleasantly surprised to see these two new fountain structures below. Similar in design, but in different locations. Really cool I thought...


  • Another fountain ~ Different location


The notice says: "Not drinking water" not that I wanted to drink it LOL
Another sign said: "Fountain of Youth" I guess because it's new, but no idea why really, just guessing!


Really nice patterns on the path slabs, but noticed this pattern before. Maybe the Council replaced some of them, as quite a lot were damaged I noticed several months ago.


Much of the Town is pedestrian only, nice to not worry about being run over by passing cars. Especially when I'm not looking where I'm going most of the time. I don't remember seeing that Cafe Bar" before either, looks nice, must stop there for coffee one day when I have more time.


On the way back home I waved to the guy on the Canal narrow-boat (barge). Most owners are very friendly and do wave back, unless they are sometimes busy with operating the many Canal locks.

All above Photos were taken by me [ Strictly Copyright ©2021 ©andy4475 ]
Photo Location: Woking Town, Surrey, England, UK

Many thanks for your kind attention, I hope you enjoyed the photos, see you again soon... 🙋‍♂️

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