My Very First Touch On CubDefi

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 


Should I give myself a round applause for succeeding in making my first touch on the CubDefi farming? Or am I really succeed on taking part of the as a liquidity provider? Lets me show you the journey I made, and let me know if I am succeeded. Some of you might have been smiling as I am kind of late to join in. LOL


Wrapping Leo Makes Me Want to Wrap My Head

After failing a few days ago to wrapped my Liquid Leo into Binance, finally today I accomplished that mission. Its not just an easy one click done step for me. I failed to sign the transaction on hivesigner a couple of times, deleting and importing the account several times there, until Finally it went into my BSC address. Should have wrapped my head with some cold cloth so that it can works better.

When You Are Not Sure Just Click.

That is a very wrong advice from me, because it seems i made an empty transaction because of that. In the Farm Tab in CubDefi dahboard, I just click on the approve contract not knowing that we have to make an LP Token for the desire Liquidity Pool we want to join.

After checking on the transaction in Metamask, I realized that it was a wrong step, because the value is still 0 BNB.

After a few other click I found that I need to add Liquidity, I just click on MAX in bLeo, so that the BNB will follow to make a 50-50 combination for the LP Token.

Then it redirect me to confirm the supply. There are too many zero on my supply. Not sure hoe many fraction of a cub I will get, but I still eagerly continue.

It success but not reflected

After confirming the supply, I check on the transaction again to see how it went. It was A success. I am getting more happier because I will be another step closer to get more CUB. wohooo.

Then when I go back into the CubDefi dashboard, I can see how much I stake on the LP. Seems I missing another step.
should i hit on that stake button?

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