Metakovan makes Beeple Rich Through NFT

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

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Ok, I just opening up my browser suggested news and my leofinance feed today after can't be active yesterday. Seems The Cub launching has been replaced by the crazy sale of NFT. So someone in the internet paid a crazy amount of money for a piece of Blockchain-based digital art or NFT making a rather unknown artist into an instant Millionaire.

Who is Beeple and Metakoven?

in a recent auction done by Cristie's one of a well know auction house, and NFT art made by someone called Beeple managed to be sold for $60 Million to someone in pseudonym of Metakovan. Beeple is an alias for "Mike Winkelmann" from Wisconsin who makes digital art.

A few years ago, maybe not a lot of people known his work and who really is. His works called "Everydays — The First 5000 Days" a collection of his everyday artworks for thirteen years sold to Metakovan made him a headline as the NFT craze continue.

Meanwhile there has not been a good info of who Metakovan is, his real identity and so on. Other then going into Pseudonym, we can assure he has a lot of money. : ). Other than that he is also known for being one of the co-founder of "Metapurse" A virtual Museum holding a great amount of NFTs. They are already building there Virtual museum in Cryptovoxels, Somnium Space, and Decentraland.

where brain?

Where We Want NFTs to Go?

While I am happy that those NFT can be sold for Millions because it can allure more artist and people to come and join crypto wold and NFT, but those high price tag is also making me nervous, because when the price is a bit irrational, a burst will follow and another crypto bloodbath might come to say hi.

Or for me personally i would like to see NFT has an better use case, like how King Leon become the first Band to release album on NFT. Because it has a real use case and can be use or bought by average person, not just becoming a super rich new toy.

Mike Winkelmann

At least for now, he can have a very big smile after becoming a millionaire. :)

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