Pintando mi casa. | Painting the house.

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 
Debo confesar que estoy muy emocionada, esto me animo muchísimo un cambio que tenia mucho tiempo con ganas de hacer, odiaba el color que tenia mi casa anteriormente así que me atreví a cambiar a colores más oscuros que me hagan sentir mejor a la vista. Mi fin de semana transcurrió en esto, sábado y domingo pintando toda la sala, aun falta pintar el cuarto y otras habitaciones mas, mi mama se ofrecio a ayudarnos así que nos pusimos manos a la obra.

I must confess that I am very excited, this encouraged me very much a change that I had wanted to make for a long time, I hated the color that my house had previously so I dared to change to darker colors that make me feel better to look at.
My weekend was spent in this, Saturday and Sunday painting the whole room, the room and other rooms still need to be painted, my mother offered to help us so we got to work.

En mi país incluso pintar tu propia casa es un lujo, ya que los costos de las pinturas son algo altos, sin embargo con algo de esfuerzo gracias a mi trabajo he podido hacer mi sueño realidad, esta casa le pertenece realmente a mi esposo, la primera vez que vine aquí a visitarlo fue algo extraño, la casa estaba horrible y resaltaba en las paredes un color verde hospital muy feo y para mas colmo combinado con blanco, desde hace un tiempo le dije que cambiaríamos ese color y aprovechando que ya falta poco para navidad quiero recibirla de una manera distinta y feliz, así que tenemos todo ya planeado para disfrutar de las navidades, quiero que esta navidad sea especial a lo largo de mi vida he vivido muchas cosas malas en esas fechas pero este año quiero tomar el control yo.

In my country even painting your own house is a luxury, since the costs of the paintings are somewhat high, however with some effort thanks to my work I have been able to make my dream come true, this house really belongs to my husband, the The first time I came here to visit him it was something strange, the house was horrible and a very ugly hospital green color stood out on the walls and to top it off combined with white, for some time I told him that we would change that color and taking advantage of the fact that there is little left for Christmas I want to receive it in a different and happy way, so we have everything already planned to enjoy Christmas, I want this Christmas to be special throughout my life I have lived many bad things on those dates but this year I want to take control.


Para pintar mi casa escogí colores oscuros esos a los que la gente les tiene mucho miedo, pero yo no, me encanta ser atrevida con las cosas y experimentar algo nuevo, pensé que quizas quedaria mal las paredes de negro pero dije "vamos a intentarlo" y ademas escogí un color rojo opaco para combinar con este negro, la verdad es que estoy enamorada de mi casa ahora simplemente luce fantástica con esta combinación de colores, pintamos todo el dia sin descanso hasta la noche ya nos sentíamos muy agotados, mi casa es algo grande así que cada pared nos llevaba varias horas, incluso siendo tres personas que pintaban y creo que tardamos tanto porque mi pared es muy irregular y tiene un montón de huecos que eran dificiles de cubrir.

To paint my house I chose dark colors those that people are very afraid of, but not me, I love being daring with things and experimenting with something new, I thought maybe the black walls would look bad but I said "let's try it" and I also chose a dull red color to combine with this black, the truth is that I am in love with my house now it just looks fantastic with this combination of colors, we paint all day without rest until the night we already felt very exhausted, my house is something big so each wall took us several hours, even being three people who painted and I think it took so long because my wall is very irregular and has a lot of holes that were difficult to cover.


Mi mama estaba muy agotada, de hecho la idea era que solo pintaramos mi pareja y yo y ella cuidase de mi hijo, pero no aguanto las ganas de ayudarnos jajaja ella es muy terca.

My mother was very exhausted, in fact the idea was that only my partner and I would paint and she would take care of my son, but I can't stand the urge to help us hahaha she is very stubborn.

Otro motivo para pintar y el mas importante de todos, es que mi hijo desde que empezó a colorear me dejo las paredes vueltas un desastre, aunque le quitamos los colores de alguna u otra forma conseguia mas y pintaba mas y mas toda la casa de mil colores, estaba HORRIBLE pero ya cubrimos todo ese desastre.

Another reason to paint and the most important of all, is that my son, since he began to color, left me a mess around, although we took away the colors in one way or another, he got more and painted more and more the whole house of thousand colors, it's HORRIBLE but we've covered all that mess.


Y asi luce mi casa :)

And this is what my house looks like :)


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