Adorable insect Pictures: The Damselfly

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 



Sometimes some people mistake the name of this insect, they think this is a dragonfly, but it is not, because it's a damselfly. In Indonesia, people know them as capung jarum, capung means dragonfly, and jarum means needle. Of course, because they are smaller and slender than dragonflies.


Terkadang sebagian orang keliru mengidentifikasi nama serangga ini, mereka kira ini adalah capung, padahal bukan. Di Indonesia, orang-orang mengenal mereka capung jarum. Tentu saja dikarenakan bentuk mereka lebih kecil dan ramping daripada capung.






The damselfly is insects of the suborder Zygoptera, and also like dragonflies, they belong to the order Odonata. Damselfly are small and slender, they have bigger and protruding eyes than other organs. When I captured this damselfly, it was seen chewing a leafhopper with its sharp mouth.

Capung jarum merupakan serangga dari subordo Zygoptera, dan juga seperti capung, mereka termasuk dalam ordo Odonata. Capung jarum bertubuh kecil dan ramping, mereka memiliki mata yang lebih besar dan menonjol daripada organ lain. Ketika saya mengabadikan capung jarum ini, dia terlihat sedang mengunyah seekor bayi belalang daun dengan mulutnya yang tajam.





CameraXiaomi Mi4i + Lensbong Macro
ProcessedAdobe Lightroom
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Great shot ❤️

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