I speak several languages. But my favorite language is yours... (ESP/ENG) Hablo varios idiomas. Pero mi lengua favorita es la tuya...

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Viniste a casa a preparar aquel examen sin saber que un "final" sería la excusa para un principio.

Éramos un grupo de estudio de cuatro al que muy oportunamente solo asistieron dos.

Poco tardé en darme cuenta de que tenerte tan cerca levantaba mi temperatura.

Veía los libros sobre la mesa y juro que estaban envueltos en llamas.

Pero no me daba cuenta del incendio.

Unas copas fueron la coartada perfecta para matizar textos tan aburridos.

Y no sé si fueron las horas, la noche, o las ganas de ser feliz, aunque sea por un rato.

Que casi sin darme cuenta bajaste las luces.

Tomaste mis manos con el pretexto de saber quién de los dos las tenía más frías.

De pronto abriste mi boca con tu boca sin dejarme pronunciar una palabra.

No fui capaz ni de mirarte a los ojos.

Tan solo sentir como te abrías camino entre mi ropa con la certeza exacta de quién sabe dónde rozar.... dónde tocar... dónde explotar...

Y allí recordé, entre gemidos y suspiros, aquel comentario que me hiciste en clase aquel día cuando escuché tu voz por primera vez.

Y por quedarme mirándote no supe que opinar.

Hablo varios idiomas.

Pero mi lengua favorita es la tuya...


You came home to prepare for that exam not knowing that a "final" would be the excuse for a beginning.

We were a study group of four and very conveniently only two of us attended.

It didn't take me long to realize that having you so close raised my temperature.

I saw the books on the table and I swear they were engulfed in flames.

But I didn't notice the fire.

A few drinks were the perfect alibi to nuance such boring texts.

And I don't know if it was the hours, the night, or the desire to be happy, if only for a while.

That almost without realizing it you dimmed the lights.

You took my hands with the pretext of knowing which of us had them colder.

Suddenly you opened my mouth with your mouth without letting me utter a word.

I was not even able to look you in the eyes.

I could only feel how you opened your way between my clothes with the exact certainty of who knows where to rub.... where to touch... where to explode...

And there I remembered, between moans and sighs, that comment you made to me in class that day when I heard your voice for the first time.

And because I was staring at you I didn't know what to say.

I speak several languages.

But my favorite language is yours...



Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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