Society on a teenagers point of view, and the questions and opinions on society and citizens

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

What do we understand by social participation?

In my opinion, participation is defined as a voluntary process by which people, including disadvantaged people (gender, ethnic origin or education), influence or control the decisions that affect them. The essence of participation is exercising voice and choice.

Social participation is when people socialize and participate, choosing and shaping the path and the people around you.

You change who you are, define everything and everything you do, make you have your say and have an impact on the world around you. Everyone's opinion is important, more perspectives are shown, you can also learn new information.

Other forms of social partition are social activities such as club meetings, organized trips, events, parties, outings, and visits. Real participation, which would be, for example, being a member of many music groups or having many social contacts, being a member of many clubs, adding your voice and opinions with the people around you. To make others listen to you and for you to listen to them.

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What three attitudes can you have as a citizen?


There can be as many reasons to honor people as there are people to honor. However, have you ever wondered why we honor people in the first place?

We honor people with recognition programs because sooner or later we realize that we don't know how much time we have here and each day it becomes a little more valuable. So too, the people we admire become more appreciated. Honor is a way of making everyone feel appreciated, and it is a moral foundation that every citizen should have, because without honor there is no truth or stability of trust and loyalty.

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A positive attitude

An attitude is an evaluation of an attitude object, ranging from extremely negative to extremely positive.

All citizens must have a positive attitude. It allows you to relax, remember, focus, and absorb information as you learn. You are ready to receive new experiences and recognize many different types of learning opportunities. And when you can see opportunities, hope increases.

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Every citizen must have the attitude of respect because respect is respecting someone and setting aside our differences.

Respect is an attitude that is developed through mature and mutually enriching interpersonal relationships. In addition, respect is the attitude of accepting the differences of others; you need respect to live with others without conflict. You also need to be able to respect yourself, because if you don't respect yourself how do you expect others to respect you.

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What makes us better citizens?

What makes us better citizens is the respect and application of the laws. We are also better when we express our opinions and make them heard, to express our problems and to seek help.

When we share our good fortune and add people in need, such as the homeless or people in trouble. what makes us better citizens is when someone who cares about others and donates to causes large or small. They are honest and do their best to put the right foot forward.

You have seen movies in which a man helps an old woman cross the street; This is an act of being a good citizen. Because the man did this, he is considered a kind and good person. That is why we want to be good citizens, to be good for society.

Another thing is our ability to be able to simplify our feelings with another person or feel emotions towards another person and be able to share if it is good or bad. Also, being able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and help them. Involve and give other people a sense of porosity and a sense of belonging.

Knowledge is a way in which we help ourselves to grow better and it is beneficial for the people around us. Knowledge about everyday things helps us in many ways, follow traffic regulations, give our seats to the elderly, make people know their rights, etc. Knowing the simple morals that we are taught in childhood and continuing to practice makes us contribute to the improvement of our country as good citizens. Being a good citizen does not require large actions or large donations of money.

Protecting the world around us is even as simple as planting a tree or starting with coins to help the world around us.

That is what makes us better people and citizens.

If your municipality had a platform that could have every peson to beable to comunicate with absoult clarity, what problems would we report to others?

Problems are part of life; they go hand in hand with being alive.

Analyzing the community problems you come across, it could be a good start and then reporting on the platform, it is a way of thinking carefully about a problem or problem before acting only on the solution. First identify the reasons for the problem and then (and only then) identify possible solutions and an improvement plan.

It would also report on crimes that occur in the area and the changes that could be made if you were to see something that is happening in the community, or if there is something wrong with things like, an entire trail is damaged, potholes in the road, a tree on the road, etc.

Problems would probably be solved faster with a advanced form of communication.

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Say at least three things that you would change in your municipality.

Designing new crosswalks

I would like my municipality to get together and design new crosswalks, To make them be more lively, add a little color and life to the streets. In 2015, a handful of Seattle streets were reborn when a mischievous designer painted colorful new crosswalks.

Rather than remove them, the city made them a permanent part of the landscape and even appropriated the idea, establishing a community crosswalk program so other neighborhoods could create their own colorful street art. Between promoting community pride and increasing pedestrian visibility and safety, it's a quick and colorful step forward.

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More interactive with others.

I would like to make people more interactive with each other, do something spontaneous like taking a homeless person out to lunch or just talking to them. Hear their story, meet someone. Many people just want to be heard or seen as human.

I think it would be emotionally very difficult to be ignored or ignored. How did they lose their home? It is often unexpected. Some people lose their homes because they suffered a medical bankruptcy after a co-worker became terminally ill. Some are veterans who fought in our wars.

It's always interesting, and then you start to understand the scale of the problem and how difficult it is to keep people housed in this city, with all their idiosyncratic financial or medical needs.

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Make more seats for people

It's a great thing to have in places were you don't usually have seats or have a little amount of seats to have more seats for people to sit and rest. One little thing a person can do around town is build an attractive bench and place it where it is needed.

There is a deficit of urban seats around the world and some cities where people frequently build their own seats on the street and add something more unique to their city. It would be a lovely idea for the community to be able to add more to their streets.

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I hoped you enjoyed listening to my ideas on society and hope you learned some aspects of being a good citizen and what makes a good citizen. And I leave you with just one question for you to think about, If we don't talk about or speak up about our problems with society or the people around us, How do you expect it to change?


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