in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Welcome to the continuation to the first part of this story. This is a true story, I have written about Ferdinand de Magellan. It's how he went on his journey and was the first person to sail AROUND the world. I hope you enjoy the journey your about to embark on, it is inspirational.

Ferdinand de Magellan

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October 21, 1520

It has been some time since I last wrote my thoughts and stories about the journey that I started with my crew. After a while, I found the rough and the passage I was looking for, the name that I will tell you is: Canal de Todos los Santos.

The journey through the All Saints Channel was treacherous and cold, and many sailors continued to mistrust me as their leader and complained about the dangers of the journey ahead. In the early days of navigating the Strait, the crew of the forced San Antonio had forced one of my ship captains to abandon the search, turn the ship, and flee across the Atlantic Ocean back to Spain.

At this point in the trip, only three of the original five ships remained in my fleet as the Santiago had sunk before the voyage began. Finally, after a while, we manga to enter a new ocean on the other side of the new world. I named the Pacific Ocean, which means peaceful.

Going through this 'peaceful' ocean, I thought it would only take a few days to cross the Pacific Ocean, but it seems to be wrong, it is taking longer than I had originally thought.

Four months later

The ships took almost four months to reach the Mariana Islands. We had barely made it and we almost starved to death on the journey.

We ended up, stocking up on supplies, the ships headed to the Philippines. Then I was walking towards the city and stressed I got involved in a discussion between the local tribes ..............

Antonio Pigafetta

One morning, forty-nine of us jumped into the water up to our thighs and walked through the water for more than two crossbow flights before we could make it to shore. The ships couldn't get any closer due to certain rocks in the water.

By the time we reached land, those men had formed into three divisions to the number of over fifteen hundred people. When they saw us, they accused us of very loud yelling. Many of us were shot, died, and stained the water with our blood.

I was looking around the fight, until my eyes focused on the captain, so many turned to him that they took the helmet off his head twice. An Indian threw a bamboo spear in the face of the captain, but the latter killed him immediately. spear, which he left in the body of the Indian. Then, trying to put his hand on the sword, he was able to pull it out but halfway, because he had been hit in the arm with a bamboo spear. When the natives saw that, they all threw themselves at him. One of them struck him in the left leg with a large machete, which resembles a scimitar, only it is larger.

That caused the captain to fall face down, when they immediately rushed him with iron and bamboo spears and with their machetes, until they killed him. We had lost everything. Our captain and around 40 crew members were killed in this horrible battle, yet we continued the journey in honor of the captain.

Only one of the original five ships returned to Spain. It was the Victory led by Juan Sebastián elCano. We had returned on the date of September 1522, making the first successful voyage around the world.

Final result of the trip (whether it was successful or not) and importance to the history of your expedition.

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The Magellan expedition of 1519-1522 became the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, and the first to cross the Pacific. His expedition completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth. His expedition that continued to circumnavigate the globe added immensely to European knowledge of the world.

The expedition's goal was to find a western route to the Moluccas (Spice Islands) and exchange spices, and in the end he had succeeded even though he died in the end.

Magellan also wanted to show that the world was round, and through his explorations, he proved that the Earth is round, which is why it was of great importance to his journey.


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