Why we get shortness of breath? : how to get relieved

in blurtlife •  4 years ago 

Complaints of breathlessness are heard every now and then. Have you ever wondered what are the real reasons for breathlessness?

The main reason for breathlessness is due to the lack of oxygen in the body, which puts unnecessary pressure on the lungs. In such a situation, lungs increase the speed of respiration to get oxygen, which in simple language we call breathlessness. If the breath is not taken care of in time, the consequences of this can be fatal.


There are 2 ways to stop breathlessness. One, either additional oxygen is given from outside to meet the body's demand for oxygen, second, the body's demand for oxygen should be reduced.


There are 2 main reasons for breathlessness especially in most of the Europian countries. One is obesity and second is the lack of blood ie red particles in the body. If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin, the blood vessels that carry oxygen from one place to another, then the supply of oxygen gets interrupted.

Most of the women in third world nations are malnourished. A large number of women are suffering from the problem of uterine dysfunction and unnecessary and excessive bleeding related to it. The gap between the births of most children in the country is also very low, which is a big reason for anemia and breathlessness. It is important to end malnutrition for this reason.

Obesity a curse

Nowadays the comfort of people is increasing. Regular morning walk and lack of exercise, alcohol and fat-rich food - plenty of substances, both of these things are increasing the body's obesity rapidly. Often, obese people are heard complaining that there is breathlessness in climbing a little ladder.

Obesity does not necessarily lead to heart disease. If malnutrition is eradicated and obesity is controlled in time, then the problem of breathlessness can be relieved.

Pulmonary disease

Is lung infection, such as pneumonia and TB the biggest reason for breathlessness? Swelling in the respiratory tract and its branches is also a reason for this, which is called asthmatic bronchitis in medical language. Sometimes the pressure of a gland or a tumor in the chest on the respiratory tract can also cause breathlessness. Often, the injury in the chest is not treated properly

Blood or pus accumulates and this causes pressure on the lungs. Due to this, often there is a complaint of cough with breathlessness.

In the disease named Skleroderma, lungs get hurt and there is an unnatural change in the inner part of the lungs. Due to this, the ability of the lungs to absorb the external oxygen is reduced and on walking a little, the breath starts swelling.


heart diseases

If your heart is weak, that is, during the last heart attack, any part of the heart is very weak or destroyed, then such a weak heart cannot bear even the simple weight of blood and water and becomes the cause of breathlessness. If there is obesity from above, then the situation becomes even more painful.

The heart on the right hand side is the storehouse of dirty blood which sends the dirty blood from the body parts with pulsation to the lungs for purification and then this blood collects in the left part of the heart and along with the beat in other parts of the body. goes.

If someone has a congenital heart disease and there is a mixture of pure and impure blood inside the heart, then blueness appears in the body, especially the fingers and lips are affected and at the same time, there are complaints of breathlessness.

Necessary investigation

Although there are countless tests but some very important tests are necessary to understand and treat the cause of breathlessness, such as chest X-ray, chest HR, CT, PFT, DSE for heart (dobutamine stress echoes), blood. Investigations such as vitamin 'D' and blood gas analysis etc.

Go to the hospital where necessary check-ups are available. After related investigations, if lung is the cause of breathlessness, then consult a chest specialist and thoracic surgeon. If the lung is damaged or under pressure, get the surgery done immediately, your slightest negligence can also damage the normal lung on the other side. If breathlessness is due to heart, consult a cardiologist or cardiothoracic surgeon. Kidney specialist's opinion also has to be taken if there is breathlessness due to kidney.

Special note

If you take a regular walk for 2 hours every day and consume 2 hours of sunshine and stay away from dust, then believe that you will be able to avoid breathing problem to a great extent. Do not let obesity flourish under any circumstances.

Eat about 350 grams of salad and 350 grams of fruits daily. Take plenty of protein. Take leafy vegetables regularly. Avoid smoking and tobacco. Avoid alcohol.


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