in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Today I want to share a paradox that may be disturbing, but id like us to follow me carefully. One important sentence to keep on your conscience while reading this post is that,


Keeping this in your mind will help you have a clearer understanding of what you are about to read. It a sort of game of the mind, but in itself is explabatory.

If 'YOU LOVE YOU MORE THEN ME' , then what you are about to read is true.

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One of the greatest truth I have learnt in life is that everyone is firstly after their own gain, happiness and total well being. This desire which springs up in every man is forged by a deep need for self gratification.

Most of the human actions are not void of selfishness, charity even though its a noble act, sometimes it is birthed from the hard cores of ones desires.

I do not mean that every good deed is product of selfishness, but at least every thought conceived in our heart, either good or bad would bring a particular satisfaction to our being. I am not sure anyone of us would decide on something that would not benefit them. Therefore, it is important to know that we want to come first at any time.

For example,
When you get a gift for a loved one, even though you didn't get it for yourself, you'll get a sense of reward if the person loves the gifts. Just a smile or a simple thank you for your kind gesture from that person would cause that satisfaction. This is just like doing something to make yourself happy.

Helping a random stranger is one of the most selfless acts and possibly the least rewarding, because most times the stranger cannot reciprocate the help, you may never see them again. But those who by nature are givers give from a place of love and thereby helping a random person also gives them sense of fulfillment.

By nature, humans are fashioned to do what favours them first before thinking of others, even when it seem like we put others first, there must be something we might have hoped to gain at the end.

Example ;
If I happen to be in a desert with my best friend and there's only one can of water, without hesitation, I'll give her everything even if it means dieing of thirst because I don't just love and prioritize her needs over mine. On this scale of priority, no matter how thirsty I may be at that time, it gives me a complete sense of fulfillment and joy to be able to help her.

This concept of selfishness, sometimes can be an act of being selfless.

Thanks for reading, I am @adesojisouljay, the unique being.

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