Strategies for promoting sustainable agriculture in developing countries*

in blurtlatam •  20 days ago 

Strategies for promoting sustainable agriculture in developing countries

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Enhancing sustainable agriculture in developed countries is necessary for food security, which prevents the environment, and by improving livelihoods, effective strategy is the adoption of agroecological practices which has to do with crop diversification, intercropping, and as much as agroforestry, and in that case it improve soil health, and in the other hand reduce dependency on chemical inputs.

Implementing water conservation techniques is necessary over rainwater harvesting, and the use of drought-resistant crop varieties also helps help over optimizing water use which protect it against the impacts of climate change where having programs for farmers can help to enhances the adoption of practices which provides them with the knowledge and skills needed over maintaining sustainable methods.


Hence access to affordable and appropriate technology boosts sustainable agricultural practices where solar-powered irrigation systems and mobile applications for weather forecasting improve productivity and resource management which strengthens the local institutions and cooperatives which empowers farmers, thereby enabling them to share resources, and benefit from collective bargaining.

Supporting organic farming initiatives which comes by establishing certification programs gives market access for organic products which incentivize sustainable practices, and with government policies subsidies sustainable agriculture over conventional methods which gives a widespread adoption where international cooperation is also very important over offering technical assistance which helps in supporting the developing countries in their pursuit over sustainable agricultural development.




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