The impact of air quality on respiratory health in urban areas

in blurtlatam •  2 months ago 

The impact of air quality on respiratory health in urban areas

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Air quality impacts within the respiratory health in urban areas, where that of the pollution is seen to be high due to traffic, and as much as industrial activities, and with poor air quality causes a respiratory issues which affected millions of city dwellers and by exposure to pollutants associated with nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide leads to exacerbate conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and with a fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs, which leads to inflammation particularly within the vulnerable populations.

Long-term exposure within the polluted area hikes the risk of developing respiratory infections which worsen pre-existing conditions thereby contributing to cardiovascular diseases causing the increase in the healthcare costs and also by Improving the air quality and implementing regulations promotes public transportation, which encourages the use of cleaner energy sources.


Creating public awareness which has to do with community involvement is necessary for addressing air pollution and with people using eco-friendly transportation, reduces the energy consumption, and support the policies which is aimed at improving air quality and by ensuring and retaining a better air quality helps to protect our respiratory health just by increasing the quality of life in urban areas.




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