Harmful effects of plastic pollution

in blurtlatam •  5 days ago 

Harmful effects of plastic pollution

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Plastic pollution stands to be severe threats to the environment, wildlife, and as much as to human health, through environmental impact, lastics take hundreds to thousands of years to decompose, which in most cases leads to persistent pollution in landfills and natural habitats and breaking down into microplastics, which contaminate soil and water sources, disrupting ecosystems and food chains which affect it all.

In marine life, oceans are affected by plastic pollution, where the aquatic animals, which includes the likes of fish, seabirds, and turtles, often become entangled in plastic debris which lead to several injuries, starvation, and death and with the like of plastic ingestion affects the health of marine life, which goes a long way to causes internal injuries and toxic accumulation fir the aquatic habitats.

Plastics which have the likes of somes harmful chemicals such as the BPA and phthalates, leach into food and water which are linked to various health issues, that has to do with hormonal disruptions, reproductive problems, thereby causing increase in cancer risk, hence in that order the microplastics have spotted in drinking water, which poses to be unknown long-term health risks.


Plastic pollution has a heavy effect in industries associated with tourism and fishing where polluted beaches impact local economies, this fishing industry suffers as marine life populations decline dues the effects from the contaminated catches become unmarketable and with biodiversity loss in plastic pollution contributes to habitat destruction and in the other hand It endangered species and disrupts delicate ecosystems, which leads to a decrease in biodiversity.




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