Impact of air pollution on human health

in blurtlatam •  6 days ago 

Impact of air pollution on human health

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Air pollution is always posed to be a threat to human health, impacting millions worldwide, as much as i know primary pollutants, which includes particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and as a lso the likes of ground-level ozone (O3), infiltrate the respiratory and cardiovascular systems which is a long way to exposure these pollutants that causes chronic respiratory diseases as we have with asthma, bronchitis, and many others, therefore fine particulate matter is hazardous as it can penetrate deep into lung tissue due to it small nature, and by entering the bloodstream causes systemic inflammation.

Long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to what's called cardiovascular problems, which result in heart attacks, strokes, and hypertension and through thorough research suggests a correlation between air pollution and neurological disorders, which has to do with cognitive decline and increased risk of dementia where people are seen to be vulnerable, through the polluted air contributes to developmental issues in children that exacerbates pre-existing conditions in older adults.


Through, air pollution aggravates pre-existing health conditions which always leads to the increased hospital admissions and mortality rates we are experiencing today, today World Health organization as organizations has proclaimed that air pollution is responsible for millions of premature deaths annually and overcoming air pollution through stricter regulations, is needed and necessary over improving the public health and reducing the global disease burden as much.




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