The glorious days of using my CO2 air rifle until I cannot lift it anymore

in blurtlatam •  last year 

All things just comes to an end even though we do not want it.



Ever since when I was just a child I wanted to have a rifle, a CO2 rifle to be exact because during that time I never knew any type of air rifle except air rifles which are powered by CO2 in a small tank. I was inspired to buy one because I saw my neighbor using it with such cute little lead pellets because they are indeed too tiny but of course very dangerous if one would get fired at you. But what prevents me is that I have no means to buy one. For certain my mother will not buy me one because it is not only within our family's budget but also we cannot afford it. I prefer to only buy CO2 rifle because the .22 rifles using rim fire ammunition at best would cost ten times more and the ammunition for that is truly out of my reach because I am just a unemployed feeble-bodied penniless pauper and is already sick at that time. I am just lucky enough that I had the opportunity to use and have fun with my CO2-powered rifles because I never knew that the party would end so suddenly which is why I my rifle would be left unused for a lot of weeks on end because my body is like a candle and getting weaker as years passes-by.

I really love target shooting for one thing and I had made it possible purchase one CO2 rifle using the little money that I received from my long departed Aunt which gave me some cash along with my sister after we visited her along with my sister after she came home from working abroad in Taiwan. I added some cash from pawning the gold necklace that which my father had bought for me and my brothers because I wanted to buy an air rifle because I know that I will enjoy using it rather than being a victim of snatchers who finds shiny metal materials attractive and not getting consent from you from forcibly taking it from you while a small handheld "boom stick" is pointing at you which make you leave this world rather "Unceremoniously" fast. I did get some happiness about my target practice hobby other than getting yelled at by some people that lives in the compound near to my house at the back which is why I learned the value of using a sound suppressor which is effective enough not to get the attention of a bad elementary teacher which only knows how to sell rice porridge to her pupils and make them suffer in writing all day to show it that they are busy teaching because the school superintendent will be visiting her class but not sure when.



The moment that I saved enough money which was enough for me to buy an air rifle that I wanted to have I didn't hesitate to go to the nearest dealer and it gave me some happiness like a boy who got gifted with a toy and made some fine memories with it.

During the overall short time that I was using my rifle, I just self imposed the basic rule of handling a gun or a rifle which says the "Never point the point of he barrel of the gun/rifle that you do not intend to shoot." But that being said I still have an ADHD friend which shoots feral cats which is technically their cats as these cats stays in their backyard where the dirty kitchen is located and also fed by his now very old Aunt that no longer lives in that house. I just made him shoot those poor cats which if I can recall to be only two of them if not three with one conformed kill because it was shot by using an explosive pellet with gunpowder in it. I am relatively free from responsibility because he was the one had shot the cat plus the joy of making him do it is really funny for me but obviously not for the feral cat where 100% of our neighbors do not care anyway. However, I still wanted to be more productive about using my rear-loaded CO2 air rifle which is why also also had used it for spear fishing which is also exciting. It is done by fashioning a small spear which is about two inches long and can be made shorter too with a metal tip and a plastic body to which a small fishing line is attached to its back side and the line itself is reeled to a long cylindrical plastic attached under the rifle's barrel near the opening.



Air rifle fishing is an exciting way to catch fish from a distance, it will be your own physical limitations and kills will be a factor for how much fish that you will catch. In my case I was better off setting-up a fish trap rather than doing spear fishing but the joy of spear fishing is so much exciting where if you want to catch a mudfish or snakehead, you can just wait for a while until one would resurface fast just to have a glimpse of you in a few seconds although you can easily catch them with a lure frog bait too.

It does take some level of patience and skill in doing an air rifle fishing job because you will have to deal with a series of steps before making another shot and also making sure that you are in the safe side in doing so, and then the fact that you have to wait for fishes to surface before aiming at it is what it makes it exciting but still tasking to do especially for me with a set of flimsy and weak arms and body and thereby eventually preventing me to continue that kind of hobby gradually as time goes by after purchasing that beloved air rifle I so much enjoyed in using because of its pinpoint accuracy. Also, the bad thing is that none of my friends do not own an air rifle because in reality in those years we are just too damn broke and none of us are working because of our age and the fact that my friends didn't even pursue in going to high school because of their pretty bad circumstances in life while myself is lucky enough during that time to save and buy my very 1st rifle although it is just using a CO2 for pressure otherwise it will cost me so much that I can only get a few shots by using a rim-fire "bullets" considering the higher priced .22 rifles also costed far much than locally-made regular CO2 rifles. One of the last guns that I own is a CO3 air shotgun rifle which I was only able to use for two occasions outside my home. It is because I have no one to be with owning the same caliber if not owning another air shotgun that I can invite for a swamp bird hunt in the unoccupied sections of the subdivision beside our Barrio village where a long time ago was a vast rice field and was later sold by the farmers which owns it for the reason of fast cash and their unwillingness to farm anymore.



The last CO2 shotgun that I used is still here with me today and it still can be used if the barrel will be soldered to the air deposit tank below it.

I also had used my air rifle for eliminating rats in our backyard, it is fun to aim a rat emerging from its hole, you can perfectly aim at its head and this process is quicker if you would put some bait at the entrance of their burrows and wait to eliminate them. Rats are a bringer of diseases and they would often leave their droppings at our cooking area at the back of our house. So I said to myself "enough is enough I will kill these mothafocking rats from this mothafocking backyard kitchen!" Now we are rat-free and I have to put some credits to feral cats that from time to time, they would pick some unwary rats and then only eat half of it. Truly it is really fun to use an CO2 gun, less repot of noise, less price to pay for the pellets that you will use instead of the more pricey rim-fire ammunition like the .22 caliber which I wouldn't afford during in those years anyway, and of course more shots that you can do per CO2 tank.



It is truly irresistible to eliminate rats if you have a CO2 rifle, not to mention that it was so fun too.

Then when the lead solder of that rifle had broken-off, I tried to fix it and later abandoned the idea because my health had gone down a lot so much that even lifting that shotgun had turned to be more difficult than I realized. It is now stuck inside the cabinet in my room waiting for somebody to fix it and use it for their purpose while I finally had given-up the idea of using it again because of my aforementioned reasons.



Having no people that shares the same interest of mine with basically using air rifle in general is what it makes it hard for me to fully enjoy this kind of fun hobby because I am an inherently shy person and always longing for accompaniment if I would venture outside my home. I just ended-up with a couple of people sharing my rifle because they don't themselves own one. The difficulty was further made worse due to the lack of suitable place to use such a rifle particularly my shot gun air rifle.

One good thing about doing the hobby of target practice using a rifle which in my case, using a CO2-powered air gun was that I am able to learn how to aim and shoot, adjust the sights, and familiarize myself in the basic way in handling a gun and the precautionary measures that I have to observe to ensure that I am safe almost all the time that I am handling a rifle. It is just too bad that I didn't get the company of like-minded people who owns such rifle which could have doubled the amount of joy for using it indoors and outdoors because of the reasons that I also had mentioned above.

Also, because of the fact that I also live in a place where there isn't any much place suitable for using my CO2 rifle is just a bummer because I really want to hunt wild and non-endangered pigeons we call locally as "Bato-bato", and during the course of the intermittent use of my air rifle, I never had a chance to get one because they often perch in high fruit trees like mango tress and other tall fruit bearing trees and in remote places where there are many trees and rice fields and abandoned fields near woody areas or jungles in the countryside. I realized that there should be a suitable place for using any rifle even if you are just target shooting. But a place where at least you can hunt some birds that you can eat is a requirement and of course it does pay if you have friends in different places where you can go with and hunt in their area where it is also suitable to use your small rifle so that you can make use of it and have fun and lasting memories with your friend.



A good place to hunt for wild doves are those rice fields that had been harvested with rice, the mourning doves likes to peck on fallen rice seeds and some bugs on those dry grounds.



Wild doves are clean birds but I haven't had a chance to bring one home. They are not sold but at some places a few people hunt them to be eaten at home.

Anyway, again my target shooting hobby ended quite abruptly before the effects of secondary hyperparathyroidism had set in because of the weakness it caused to my muscles and at the same time to my bones. But even if I can use my CO2 air rifle or even a better and more powerful variants up to the rim-fire .22 rifles, the changes in my stature and appearance will also effectively stop me from using it outside my home for target practice or leisure hunting which now had me me so frustrated for having that fun hobby to get taken from me because of the series of unexpected events regarding my overall heath situation and condition with no chance in the foreseeable future to return back to one of my fun days of using a rifle as a hobby and sport.



I have to say farewell to these fun activities that I had done until they lasted because I must accept reality the these vents that I was not expecting to happen which happened where a tragic nightmare had turned into a bitter reality. However my fun hobbies now are replaced by a rather tedious but fun with an addition of rewards, quite a peculiar hobby which not every one can do and yet I was I am still highly involved on it even before the inception of blockchain blogging platform.

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