The moment that I was made aware of my blood pressure from the start of my dialysis journey I was hooked-on how I could bring it down artificially and then naturally. So at first I used betablockers, then the sustained-release Amlodipine which gives the body a continuous dose of the said medicine until it is ejected when you use the toilet. The mechanism of action is the you would ingest a big plastic tablet with a small laser-cut hole from which when the dry medicine inside it would expand the moment it had gotten wet, then the medicine inside it would flow out for the gut of the patient to absorb.
It is quite a brilliant technique to do to control hypertension because the patient is medicated continuously. But if you had forgotten to take it in some days then you definitely will feel some effects like an elevated blood pressure. So there must be a plan for taking it in a day so that you will not miss a tablet which is taken daily. The problem is that you should have some regular bowel movement because otherwise you will get double of the supposed does that you must have. There must be a clear indication however about the half-life of the sustained-release form of medicines in general, meaning that specific time where the tablet is not letting out medicine into your system so you can be able to determine when to take the best time for another dose of it.

Anyway, so I had gotten paranoid about taking my antihypertensive medicines, trying new ones that I can afford and knowing what they taste like. They always taste bitter in general but spicy which numbs a part of your tongue. Other anti-hypertensives tasted like a chemical like Captopril which is prescribed often to patients that are not undergoing dialysis treatment yet because that specific medicine protects the kidneys by prolonging its life. I took it when I was going for a monthly check-up until me and my mother decided to stop going to the city because I am not being medicated anyway but monitored only plus the said doctors are just students, newly graduated which gave a thought that I am not getting the best that I want to have.
The new doctors are just prescribing me vitamins and anti-hypertensive medications because they can't treat my kidneys for the reason of my liver condition. So my mother and i got discouraged in going to the city very early in the morning and queueing to long lines of patients and to other places like getting interviewed so that we can have a discount for the lab exam and other things because I am under a social service at that time. So going for a doctor's appointment is just stressful, time-consuming, depressing, and all that plus the fact that I am not getting treated for that matter frustrated me because it is like waiting for my Kidneys to fail so that I can get a dialysis which I have no idea about how it works.

I was not aware about the importance of that particular medicine which is used to prolong the life of a failing Kidney because the doctors are not explaining it to me. It is a good thing I think because the side-effect of Captopril is liver issues. It is because my grandmother is using it as prescribed by her doctor but my grandmother eventually died of liver cancer which she succumbed from and eventually died despite of part of her liver was taken out surgically. I can only blame her medication for that because she doesn't have any vices nor eating extraordinary foods for that matter. So she passes out more often until she got jaundiced due to failed liver.
Anyway, at the start of my dialysis I tried to control my blood pressure because I know that it is not good to let it go high all the time for the reason of heart complications. But my use of hypertensives had made me get the risk of hypotension. It turns out that I should not take my hypertensive medicine the night prior and immediately before my dialysis session to avoid the blood pressure-lowering effects of dialysis with effects of hypertensive medication of the patients whatever the type of hypertensive medicine that they are taking. So it is like an unwritten but an untold rule to obey in order to avoid hypotension while hooked-up at the dialysis machine.

However I stopped taking anti-hypertensives because it just crashes my blood pressure and it is not good considering that I can only have two times per week of dialysis treatment, I have to complete those short treatment times of fours per session. But it came to me that the cause of hypertension for most patients are their blood volume because patients are accumulating fluid whenever they eat and drink and that causes the heart to get more burdened by the volume of blood that it has to move around the body. The circulation of blood is also complicated if the heart itself already has a condition like damaged tissues and enlarged heart due to clogged arteries and overworking respectively.
So what I had strived for doing is to try to reach my dry weight which is the true weight of my body without the extra fluid in my circulation. It is in itself the proactive medicine that I use now to control my blood pressure. It also helps not to eat salty foods like salty snacks because as per my experience the extra salt in the body elevates the blood pressure. I had an experiment about indulging myself in consuming fish and shrimp crackers and it resulted in having an elevated blood pressure indeed.

Now that I reached my dry weight, I would come dialysis with a normal blood pressure which sometimes go down to 100 or 110 systolic where I am let to go home. For other patients with elevated blood pressure all the time, that number is too low for them so they are held for quite sometime until they reach the blood pressure level like 120 Systolic or even 130 for that matter. Now I am enjoying a better blood pressure because I am not getting a higher fluid overload anymore due to a frequent dialysis session and it helps me maintain a normal blood pressure now more than ever. It just shows that in order to solve something, you must find the root cause of the problem which I can attest in this instance where I am free from taking hypertensive medication from the major part of being a dialysis patient.
The problem for me is having a spike on my blood pressure with only just a minor exertion. When I am at rest which I am usually in that state of non-activity except if I am writing and clicking my laptop's mouse, my blood pressure is in the range of good and excellent, but with just a minor activity like getting up an sitting back down again would elevate my blood pressure until it turns to normal again after a few minutes of sitting. This is the reason why I am exhausted after my shower. That is one thing that I cannot solve anymore but I just attribute it to the failing of my squeezed lungs to provide extra oxygen when my body's cells needs it. However my breathing had improved after I was able to lower my dry weight back down to where it should be. But in hindsight, my heart is still ok despite of 22 years of being a dialysis patient and it is a feat which I am a bit proud of in achieving.

I sold my TRX to buy XRP

Hey everyone, friends of the blockchain social media, it is a weekend sale again and often it lasts until the onset of Tuesday night in US time which is just Wednesday night until Thursday here in my time zone Taipei Standard Time. After that the prices goes down again. It was always like that because of such factors like most people do not want to trade on weekends, the stock market influence on trades and maybe bad news that comes which sometimes makes the downward action go in an extended period of time like what happened in 2022 when FTX fiasco came to reveal what SBF and his cohorts are doing, the LUNA vent which made some people to kill themselves for so much loss that they experienced, and all that bad news coming from Putin's invasion on Ukraine which is still ongoing and might end all humanity if things go more awry and sending us all to "south".

Anyway, the cycle of little boom and bust cycle goes regularly for cryptos and as I had said, it comes on Wednesday and them the dip happens on the weekend. It goes on and on and on for the most part, however I am just lazy to trade which is why I could not really take advantage of that rather predictable price movement of cryptocurrencies.
One fact is that I do not have much funds to trade as well because most of them are bought at higher prices compared to the current prices today which just means that we are still in the accumulation stages until the bog bull run powered by Bitcoin's influence of prices of altcoins in both up and down side of price volatility.

But I had thought of my TRX tokens just sitting around and not doing any big price jumps. It is so stable in its current price but in general cadence of other altcoin prices. It is somewhat a "stablecoin" for me because it is not as volatile as other altcoins out there. But there is another way of utilizing it by staking which will give you a passive income. However you must have lots of TRX tokens in order to make a substantial income from staking it.
So because of TRX seemingly stable price, and I have some of it, I decided to sell it to buy the dip of XRP, as you can see I am selling it for .84 cents for the next run-up of XRP token and hopefully earning a bit of cash that I can use to buy some of the things that I wanted to buy online. But maybe I will just make it my "play money" and trade with it over and over so that I can make it grow.
XRP is such a fun token to trade right now because it is already had a clarity of being a non-security token which is the only cryptocurrency verified as not a security and therefore not under the SEC's business to mess with anymore. That fact gives the cryptocurrency exchanges the go signal to relist it into their platforms which in effect had made many people particularly in the USA to purchase it from Coinbase in particular as well.
Now I could say that buying XRP with the money I had from selling my special TRX tokens a very good trade no matter how the price would dip even more because as always the market volatility has a regular weekly mini cycle which we can take advantage of. So even if I sold with some profits of course and cannot buy back lower if example RP price decided to go to the moon, I am still at profit, profit is still profit and I have so much time to plan on my next move whether to utilize my principal and profits because there are so many things to do with money and it is just up to me what to do about my funds.

Though decision on what to do with the principal and profit.
There is something like unquenchable thirst for profit but I was planning for my little gains from this trade to put it in my e-wallet to buy things from online stores which I use for buying some items like food and my supplements @j85063 👍