My town's upcoming new zero-billing dialysis clinic called for completing my final requirements before I go in

in blurtlatam •  8 months ago 

I still have mixed feelings about my tentative transfer of dialysis facility and praying that it would go well for me.



Yesterday, one of the officials of the upcoming free dialysis service from our town government called my mother. The said official told my mother that the doctor (Nephrologist) wants to look at me first and then we were instructed to submit some final documents like the copy of the last treatment sheets which is a signal for taking me in. The copies of the last three dialysis treatment will determine on how the dialysis clinic will give me a dialysis treatment.



Pertinent documents are very important to submit when transferring to another dialysis facility for taking your future dialysis treatments.

I have yet to submit some laboratory results but maybe I will have to wait for the doctor to make me a request for that matter and it will just take a short time for it to be accomplished. My latest complete blood count test shows a high hemoglobin level and I am sure that it has gone down now but not too much but rather inside the "normal" levels for my individual case and condition as a dialysis patient with bone complications.



Laboratory results have to be submitted in order for the nurses and doctors to see a dialysis patients condition especially about their complete blood count, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus levels among other required tests results.

What concerns me really is that the new dialysis center will be much watchful about my blood pressure considering that I have a lower blood pressure compare d to the rest of the population of dialysis patients here in my country especially when I am undergoing a dialysis treatment. So because of that I must make some necessary workaround in order for me to prevent a disrupted treatment that could cause me to get a build-up of extra fluid in my system which really would put me in trouble with regards in my overall well-being especially for my breathing and my blood pressure which I am trying to manage in order for me to basically live longer because I still have a lot of ambitions to fulfill among other plans that I want to accomplish in this world with the help and mercy of God if he wills it.



I was able to maintain a normal blood pressure all throughout of more than two decades in being a dialysis patient which is something considering of what I have gone through.

However, I also feel excited about how goes it with the new dialysis facility with regards to the quality of their service, will it be better or will it deteriorate? Will they accept too much patients or just enough for the ratio of the staff nurses that they have? Do they have a laundry facility or we must bring our own seat covers? Are there enough dialysis nurses for the number of patients that will be treated in the first place because that is also important for the reason that nurses can easily be overwhelmed if a number of patients gets "toxic" at a certain time for a certain batch particularly if they are new to the field and there is less of them to solve individual issues of dialysis patients at that point.



I am more than curious of what my new dialysis facility will give to me because of my mixed feelings about it all.

The issue of patients needing to be transferred if some technical problems arise like fixing the water purification system and its source, general cleaning from infectious virus or something like that, or events which needs all patients to be treated somewhere else is one big problem for a stand-alone dialysis clinic just like this new dialysis facility from my town government. I hope that they will find ways to mitigate that because it is hard to go back to dialysis centers as they follow protocols like making the patients to submit requirements once again before they can go back and I hope that it will not be a case for me with this current dialysis center where I am going for my own treatments for more than a decade now, about fourteen years now.



Temporary closures of stand-alone dialysis centers is a headache to patients if there is no contingency plan about it.

Those and other things concerns me a lot, dialysis treatment is a complicated thing. I mean that patients can die anytime there, particularly those that already have an underlying disease process. The patient's blood being taken out from their body to get rinsed to a dialysis machine three times a week and is still subject to risks like infection if the water system is at fault particularly if the technicians which cleans it doesn't have much training on how to do their specific job although it is unlikely to happen. So despite that dialysis treatment is already a routine job for nurses to do, there will still be events that could lead to serious problems leading to a great discomfort, injury, or even death for that matter. Considering that it is a technological marvel of a medical achievement, problems will still arise, so a very good nurse and staff team is needed for the proper operation of any dialysis clinic.



Dialysis patients are exposed to many risks because their blood is is being taken out to get cleaned. So a certain untoward event can very well cause a serious thing to happen.

All of us, the nurses, the administrators, the staff, and the patients will get together in a new dialysis clinic and it will be a weird experience for all of us particularly for the patients which does not know what they will be facing based on how will things go for our new dialysis clinic because we will be the end-product on how tour dialysis clinic would perform. There will be friendships to make, good things to be had, hardships to experience, and tears to flow for many reasons and I just hope that God would bless us all in there to make the rest of my dialysis saga to be smooth-sailing from that point in time.



Another chapter will happen in my life together with other patients, nurses, doctors, administrators, and staff. I just wished that all will be well and good at the end of the day.

Now if everything goes well I will be enjoying freedom from the burden of paying extra fees for the reason that handicapped or persons with disabilities (PWD) will absolutely get free dialysis service which meant that I will not be charged for anything like when I needed to replace my dialyzer and when I get an injection of EPO, zero-billing that is. The result will make me be able to purchase some of the things that I needed to buy like the meal replacement milk, supplements, and also the fruits that I wanted to consume to give me a better well-being especially my need to gain some wait because of my lingering depressed appetite.



I am already thanking God for taking off financial burden off my back so that my parents and I can breathe a great sigh of relief which will make our lives much better and free from much worries and also a better well-being for me respectively.


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  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Never fear! You must have faith in God that all will all go well.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Yes, it is just my situation is different, I just survived because I always argue with my nurses >o<