"Talking unnecessarily or talking too much"

in blurtlatam •  4 months ago 

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

Dear Friends,
I hope you all are well, I am also very well and healthy with your prayers and God's grace. Today I want to share with you something about talking more. This post is welcome and congratulations to you all.

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We are the best creatures in creation, Almighty Allah created us as the best creatures in creation. Almighty Allah created us very fickle and restless. Almighty Allah has created us in the most beautiful way, he himself said.

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Almighty Allah has created paradise for us, a place of happiness, peace and prosperity. Sent to the world for a few days to test. If we pass the test in this short life, we will be blessed with a place of peace and happiness in the afterlife. Almighty Allah will agree and be pleased with us.

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To do good in the Hereafter, we must follow the ideals of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. How he worked, how he slept, how he prayed, how he traded, how he treated people. How did he eat?

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Therefore, our successful success lies in following the commandments and prohibitions of Almighty Allah and the ideals of our beloved Prophet. If we can control our organs to follow the commands and prohibitions of Allah and the ideals of the beloved Prophet, then we will be saved. And if we can't manage in that way, then our life in the hereafter will fall into sorrow and suffering. Therefore, the beloved Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that whoever can protect the jibba and private parts will be saved.

Jibba means mouth, with which we speak. And with this mouth I can say good things and bad things. As humans, we generally like to talk more. If we talk more, more mistakes will happen. And the less I say, the less mistakes there will be. Talking too much is not good at all. It is better not to talk unnecessarily. When I talk too much, my mouth will commit various sins, the biggest of which is backbiting. It will happen.

So let us not talk unnecessarily and always try to talk less. But I can survive many sins and I can survive the worst sins. May Allah protect us from unnecessary talk, Ameen. Allah Hafez is ending here like today.

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