It is not difficult to understand the world but it is difficult to understand the hereafter.

in blurtlatam •  3 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

Dear friends,
How are you all, I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also very well by the grace of Allah and healthy. Even after explaining the hereafter, I do not understand it, but I understand it beautifully even if I do not understand the world. I will share some things with you about this subject, God willing. Welcome and congratulations to you all in this post.

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Almighty Allah has sent us to this world with a great purpose. That purpose Almighty Allah has informed us in His Al-Quran and through our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Almighty Allah says, I have sent you to this world for a test. Just as you have accepted Me as your Lord in the spiritual world, so accept Me as your Lord in the world. Who can accept Me as your Lord more and who goes beyond His command, He has sent you to this world without testing.

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Although we have accepted Allah as Allah in the world every day, but after coming to this world through various stages, when we learned to understand it, we completely forgot about Allah Almighty. That is why Allah Almighty sent Al-Quran and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to remind us of His words. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) went door to door for 23 long years and reminded us of Allah Almighty.

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After coming to this world as humans, we cannot express in words how we understand the world. We do not need any kind of sermon, advice, book, or prophet to explain this world. We alone are capable of understanding the world beautifully. On the other hand, I do not understand the Hereafter. I do not understand that I have to obey the commandments of Allah. I do not understand that I have to follow the ideals of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I also do not understand that I have to obey the commands and prohibitions of the religion of Islam. It takes preaching, advice, various kinds of efforts and lobbying to explain this, but even then I don't want to understand or I don't understand.

The main reason for this is that we believe in cash, we don't believe in the rest at first glance. But in fact, the hereafter is cash, the rest of the world. The hereafter is eternal, the world is temporary, the understanding of this saying does not want to enter into me easily. If this saying enters into me easily, we will be able to do the world normally and we will be able to organize the hereafter completely beautifully. But we consider the life of the world as eternal and consider the life in the hereafter as temporary.

However, there are thousands of examples in front of us, such as: I had a grandfather, he could not stay in this world. My father will also leave this world one day. I may also leave this world one day. None of my children will leave this world, it is not possible to stay here forever. Despite having such burning examples in front of us, we cannot understand why we are so attached to the world. So let us consider this world as temporary and consider the life in the Hereafter as eternal, only then will we be less attached to this world and fully attached to the Hereafter. I am ending this here today, may Allah preserve us.

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