The main purpose of life

in blurtlatam •  3 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuhu.

Dear friends,
I hope you are all well and I am also well and healthy with your prayers and the infinite mercy and grace of Allah Almighty. Today I want to share with you some things about the purpose of life. Welcome and congratulations to you all.

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Every person has a purpose in life, not only every person, but every living being, no matter what you say, everyone has a purpose and purpose. For example, if we talk about trees. They each grow with a purpose, after the purpose, they declare the end of their journey. For example, a papaya tree, the purpose of a papaya tree is that when the seedling emerges from the seed, it grows on the opposite side of the soil and slowly grows, gathers food and becomes fat. Then it flowers and then bears fruit. This fruit is distributed among the living beings. After the fruit comes to the end, it disappears again, that is, it dies. Here, the purpose of the papaya tree is not only to bear fruit, it leaves hundreds of seeds in the fruit so that the next generation can do the same thing in it. Then we can say that a papaya tree has two goals, one is to bear fruit and the other is to produce hundreds of seeds to keep the generation alive on earth.

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All such plants have the same purpose and goal. Moreover, if we look at animals, we see the same purpose and goal in them. But the purpose and goal of jinn and human beings will not match the purpose of any other creature. They are unique. They have been created individually. Humans are the best creatures in creation. Their purpose and goal cannot be like any other creature.

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Almighty Allah himself has declared that man has been created for His worship. He has not been created for any other purpose except His worship. Only if this worship is done properly, he will be given paradise in the afterlife, a place of happiness, peace and prosperity. This paradise is only for jinn and human beings. Not for anyone else. So the purpose of man will not match the purpose of any other creature.

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The purpose and objective of man is to please and please the Almighty Allah by following His commands and orders. And we have to keep trying just as the beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) pleased and pleased the Almighty Allah. This is the real purpose and objective of man.

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So let us all move forward knowing our purpose and objective and achieve our purpose and attain Paradise in the place of happiness and peace in the afterlife. I am ending this here today, may Allah preserve us.

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