The development of a country requires equal participation of all.

in blurtlatam •  3 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Dear Friends,
I am very well and healthy in the glory and mercy of Almighty Allah. I don't know how you are, I hope you are well.

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Our country is Bangladesh. This country became independent in 1971. Almost 55 years have passed since independence, but this country has not yet reached the peak of development. The overall development of the country has not happened. There are also countries in the world that have reached the peak of development even after the independence of Bangladesh. There are many reasons behind this.

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For the overall development of a country, the first thing that is needed is that all the people of the country, from the upper level to the lower level, should have love for the country, compassion for the country, deep care for the country. If there is no love for the country, then it is never possible to take a country on the path of development. Since independence till now, we have noticed that whoever came to power, no one loved the country, but there were two or four rulers who loved the country. But most of the rulers did not love the country at all.

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Also, to take the country to the highest peak of development, there must be honest people in every sector in every town of the country. If there are honest people in every sector of the country, then the country is bound to reach the root of development. If the people from the grassroots level to the Prime Minister to the President are honest and true patriots, there will be no problem in developing the country. But we have seen the previous rulers in every sector only in bribery, extortion, tendering, factionalization, money laundering, market syndicate, etc. the country has reached the lowest level. This has become impossible due to the transfer of power into the hands of dishonest people. Wherever a dishonest person goes, from his family to the state, he corrupts wherever he can. It is not at all possible to take the country to the peak of development with all these dishonest people.

During the previous government, there was more money laundering, corruption, bribery, extortion, etc. The biggest reason for this is that there was a great lack of accountability. There was no accountability of any official, so they easily committed injustice and corruption. None of their wealth was taken into account, so they built a mountain of wealth.

So let us decorate the country with honest people and love the country from the heart only then our country can reach the highest peak of development. Allah Hafez is ending here like today.

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