We have to die before we die only then we will be saved in the hereafter.

in blurtlatam •  3 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu.

Dear Friends,
Hope you all are well. I am also well and healthy with your prayers and the grace of Almighty Allah.

We have to die before we die only then we will be saved in the hereafter.

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Humans are mortal. No one can evade death, no one can disbelieve, one day or another we all die who we are born. This death will not happen a minute earlier and not a minute later. Allah has ordained it. The Lord of my life and death is Allah Almighty.

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Just as Almighty Allah created life, He also created death. Whoever comes or is born on this earth must die. Girl, if someone escapes by building a ladder to the sky in fear of you, he will still be swallowed by death. Death is an evil resistance fact which we all know and accept but still in this world people fight and fight etc. We hate immense violence, show arrogance. I do not think that I must fall into the lap of death. If we can remember death, all my work in the hereafter will be very easy.

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Since death is a hard reality, we should collect the equivalent of death before it happens. May I have no danger and no suffering in the place where I will be taken after death. So we will do the work of the hereafter before death.

No one can deny this death in this world. Even an atheist does not deny it. Atheists, however, accept death as absolute. Atheists deny the Almighty Allah. Does not believe in the existence of God. They think this world is created alone. This universe was created alone and will be destroyed alone. We are created alone and will die and merge with the earth. He does not believe in the afterlife. But if they are asked if you are going to die, they will definitely say yes. They never deny death.

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Let us all fear death, death is equal to death before death and doubt, but I am ending here like today with the hope that my life hereafter will be happy, peaceful and prosperous.

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