Like the tree we strive to be self-sacrificing.

in blurtlatam •  3 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuhu.

Dear friends,
Hello friends, how are you all, but I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also well and healthy by the infinite mercy of Allah Almighty through your prayers. Today I will share with you some things about who we need to make our lives like, Inshallah. Welcome and congratulations to you all in this post.

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On the earth, Allah Almighty has created many creatures in addition to jinn and humans. And among these creatures, plants are one creature. If we look at this plant, we can also learn from trees.

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When a tree grows, it collects sap from the soil and grows slowly. After it grows, it grows branches. After the branches grow, it starts to bloom. After the flowers bloom, it bears fruit. This fruit is available to all animals, birds, animals, plants, and humans. That is, the tree here also gave the fruit that it produced for others. The tree that is also gives the tree for others. See how a tree grows very big to bear fruit. It does not take that fruit itself, it gives it to others throughout its life. Then we cut that tree, we use that tree for various purposes of burning. We use it to make furniture.

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Therefore, we can undoubtedly say that a tree from beginning to end is used only for the benefit of humans or other creatures, it does nothing for itself. Its entire life is sacrificing itself for the benefit of others. Every such plant does not use itself for its own benefit, but gives its life for others.

Therefore, we, the creatures, are the best creatures of creation. Even if we cannot fully contain the plant, even if we try something like a plant, Allah Almighty will be pleased with us and be happy, just like our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave his life for the benefit of people throughout his life. How much torture, how much suffering, how much hunger, how much unspeakable abuse he endured, he still went door to door and reached the benefit of the Ummah. If we also adopt the ideal of the Prophet. We try with our lives for the welfare of people. Then we will also be worthy followers of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

There is no happiness in suffering, real happiness is in sacrifice, if we believe this in our hearts and souls and try to implement it with our lives, then we will also become great human beings. People will remember us and respect us. And whether they respect us or not, we will be able to become a worthy Ummah of my beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) and Allah Almighty will be pleased and happy with us. This is the greatest achievement. There can be no greater achievement than this.

So let us take a sample of a tree or two and adopt the life of the beloved Prophet of Islam with an ideal life, only then will we be liberated in the afterlife. Then Allah Almighty will be pleased and happy with us and will grant us eternal happiness and peace, Paradise, Amen. I'm ending this today, may Allah preserve me.

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