The Next Blurtiverse Contest - It's not as easy as it looks!

in blurtiverse •  4 years ago  (edited)

I usually enjoy rambling through a topic before introducing each new contest, but I've been writing about other things and I know that at least one person is waiting impatiently so... here goes: a Blurtiverse au naturel.

Contest Theme 2: It's not as easy as it looks!

This should be the motto for the entire Blurtiverse, possibly our entire existence. It comes from a number of people who expressed this same idea to me when I ran the Nonsense Writing Contests. When you look at a work of art, be it a collage or nonsense poem, a common reaction is that "anybody can do that!" Well, try.

Talk to children.

Some Rules

The Blurtiverse has some known rules and some unknown rules. These may evolve and find expression within each contest starting post, so don't assume they are immutable. Here are some of the known rules:

  • each Blurtiverse Contest shall have a theme
  • each Contest has no closing date
  • prizes include ridiculous upvotes and may also include other things if available
  • an entry is a post that is not empty, plus a comment below linking to that post
  • posts must include the #blurtiverse tag as a beacon
  • to be eligible for votes from @blurtcontests, you must use the #blurtiverse tag first then the #blurtcontests tag
  • writing should be the main mode of expression, but images and video will be accepted
  • you may write in any language but must include an English translation
  • judgments are purely subjective and likely to remain so in the future
  • aggregated posts with some of the best entries will be published periodically and rewards shared with the authors
  • if the rules seem vague, that's by design so I can change them

The only addition this time is the rule regarding using the #blurtcontests tag. I did leave a comment on this post but have heard nothing since from @ilnegro so... who knows! The other three tags should be meaningful, or meaningless, but try to avoid vote-begging tag-spam.

I shall post the first curated collection as soon as I have enough posts. Those authors of selected posts shall receive a share of the rewards from such aggregated posts. They will also receive some prize BLURT! To avoid me confusing myself, I shall distribute the prizes at the time of posting.

Proof of Prizes (PoP)

By far and away the best entry so far is The Lost Artifact by @surrealfia. A Prize of 20 BLURT can be found in a brown envelope taped under your desk.

I have 40 BLURT left that will go into the next round of largesse.

image: unsplash

Remember that every Contest remains open to new submissions, just check out each of the "Contest Theme" links. Other fascinating articles will just show their usual title and will be devoid of contestable material. As this develops, you will also see some collections of recent best posts. Enjoy!


Contest Theme 1: Open!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much 😊 finally the second theme

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Could you explain to me How this works? I guess it's timeless like the one before. But I still don't understand what to do, O.O

Do we have to create a contest? And How are we going to pay for the contest?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This was the first contest. I'm still unsure about the pay though he gifted 20 blurt for participating. I guess if more people had joined here then this could have gotten better

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

The first contest only had one entry - yours - and was good enough, so a prize of 20 BLURT was sent.
Prizes come from the post rewards. Votes come from me!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Oh lala! Dear Rycharde, what a good proposal, let the games begin and all the participants come.
Good vibes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Excellent proposal. From our initiative blurthispano we will begin to distribute this information. In order for you to participate in this contest

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano, una iniciativa dedicada a promover el contenido de calidad de la comunidad hispanohablante . Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord
Vota por nosotros como Testigo (Witness) en el siguiente enlace Testigo / Witness
blurthispano comentario.png

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi, did your comment get chopped off at the end?
Anyway, thanks, I had many spanish-speakers back when I ran these contests on steem/hive. Any language is fine, so long as there is a translation appended. I know they are not always very good but I can read Spanish (not fluently) and can see any rhymes or language jokes that don't translate well.
When I make a judgment, I try to judge the original as much as possible eg had a few German entries that were very good in German even if a bit lost in translation!

I didn't cut it. In the same way we will do the advertising for the Hispanic community, I think it is an interesting and above all innovative contest. Currently we have a proposal as a witness for the Spanish speaking community we invite you to read it. Greetings

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account,
You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord.Don't wait to join ,lots of good stuff happening there.