SILVER was, is, and always will be money...

in blurtit •  3 years ago 


For millennia silver has been used to create coinage, even more so than gold, simply because the metal has some beneficial properties. These include being very resistant to corrosion and having anti-bacterial properties. These properties are great for a piece of metal that has to circulate from one person to another. Silver has been used as "money" for so long that several languages all over the planet use the word silver for money. So far, ive managed to find 12 languages that use the word silver ditectly as the word money. Even my own country of Wales use the word [ARIAN] to mean both SILVER & MONEY.

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According to reports, there are approximately 17 ounces of silver for every 1 ounce of gold in the ground, or a ratio of 17:1. The current valuation ratio is roughly 75:1. If the true ratio were reflected in price, considering equals amounts of capital were going into both metals, the price of silver should be $103 at $1825 gold… So when the monetary reset does happen, which precious metal do you think will be revalued?? Expensive gold, or under valuer silver??


If you ask the layman on the street, they would probably say that having silver as money is an absurd idea, but you only need go back two generations to find silver was still widely used for the production of official coinage. While in so.e countries, such as the United States, silver coins still do exist in circulation, but they are hoarded because of their intrinsic value.


With just $3-4 billion spent on silver as an investment, which is less than #EOS, the 44th cryptocurrency according to CoinMarketCap, the total market investment is a drop in the ocean compared to other investments. So when the move back to precious metals as money comes to the fore, the price of silver will, in my opinion, inevitably enter a wormhole into intergalactic space!!


So why wait till then? The correction and revert back to sound money probably wont happen tomorrow, or the day after. It may not happen for while, but mathematically the fall of the current fiat system has to happen. So ask yourself this question: would you rather be a few years early or a day too late?? When the flippening happens, there will be no warnings, youll either wake up poor or financially sound! The choice is yours, choose wisely.

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