Hallo Blurt....
Kampung halaman saya dalam dua hari terakhir terjadi bencana banjir. Hari ini Sabtu 05 Desember 2020, pada pukul 10.00 banjir merendam jalan lintas Banda Aceh- Medan, tepatnya di Kecamatan Darul Aman, Idi Cut, Aceh Timur, Indonesia, banyak kendaraan macet.
Hello Blurt ....
My hometown in the last two days had a flood disaster. Today is Saturday, December 5, 2020, at 10:00 am the flood submerged the Banda Aceh-Medan highway, precisely in Darul Aman District, Idi Cut, East Aceh, Indonesia, many vehicles jammed.
Poto @ilyasismail
Saya bersama keluarga hendak ke kota, terpaksa sepeda motor saya dinaikkan ke atas sebuah truk agar tidak terkena banjir. Saya khawatir sepeda motor saya rusak karena ketinggian air di badan jalan mencapai 60 centi meter.
My family and I were about to go to town. My motorbike was forced onto a truck so that it would not be hit by the flood. I am worried that my motorcycle will be damaged because the water level on the road reaches 60 centimeters.
Saya enjoy, setelah truk berjalan lebih kurang 1 KM kemudian sepeda motor saya diturunkan kembali saya harus membayar IDR 20.000. Tidak besar hanya dua liter minyak pertamak. Jika saya menunggu surut air sudah pasti banyak buang waktu, karena waktu itu sangat penting untuk menulis berita. Seperti pepatah Inggris ****“Waktu Itu Uang, tidak ada waktu untuk bercinta”***
I enjoyed it, after the truck was running for about 1 KM, then my motorbike was lowered back down, I had to pay IDR 20,000. Not big, just the first two liters of oil. If I wait for the water to recede, it will certainly waste a lot of time, because time is very important for writing news. As the English saying "The time is money, there is no time for love".
Akhirnya saya bersama istri dan anak laki-laki saya sampai lah di kota Idi Rayeuk, kota tempat saya beraktifitas setiap harinya. Oh ya, teman Blurt semua. Daerah saya tahun ini sangat parah dilanda banjir. Banyak rumah di pemukiman terendam, bahkan hari ini satu orang pelajar sekolah menegah pertama meninggal dunia karena terseret banjir.
Finally, my wife and son arrived in the city of Idi Rayeuk, the city where I work every day. Oh yeah, all Blurt's friends. My area this year is very badly hit by floods. Many houses in the settlements were submerged, even today one junior high school student died because he was dragged into the flood.
Banjir di daerah saya sudah menjadi rutinnitas di kahir tahun. Tapi pada tahun 2020 ini sangat parah, mungkin daerah pedalaman daerah saya banyak penebangan pohon, hutan rusak, sehingga banjir gampang terjadi. Apalagi banyak sungai yang kotor dengan sampah-sampah. Dan saluran air tersumbat. Curah hujan juga sangat tinggi di tahun ini. Awal desember ini hujan terus menerus. Saat saya sedang menulis blog ini, kondisi diluar rumah saya juga masih hujan deras. Daerah Anda bagaimana apakah banjir juga atau hujan deras juga atau musim salju.
Flooding in my area has become a routine at the end of the year. But in 2020 it is very bad, maybe in the interior of my area a lot of logging, the forest is damaged, so that flooding is easy. Moreover, many rivers are dirty with garbage. And the drains are clogged. Rainfall is also very high this year. Early December it rained continuously. When I was writing this blog, it was still raining heavily outside my house. Your area how whether flood too or also heavy rain or snow season.
Jalan Putus akibat Banjir POTO : @ilyasismail
Sekitaran rumah saya, jika malam hari juga terdengar suara riuh katak, seakan mereka terus memita agar hujan terus-menerus. Entah mereka kodok-kodok itu senang dengan banyak air. Sementara kami susah, karena rumah kami terendam. Entah lah semua itu kehendak tuhan kita harus bersabar menghadapi bencana ini. Terpenting mari kita jaga lingkungan kita lebih baik, jangan tebang pohon, jangan buang sampah sembarangan. Jaga kesehata ditengah Pandemi Covid-19.
Around my house, at night there are also boisterous voices of frogs, as if they keep asking for continuous rain. Either they frogs like lots of water. While we were in trouble, our house was submerged. I don't know if all of that is God's will, we must be patient in facing this disaster. Most importantly, let's protect our environment better, don't cut trees, don't litter. Keep your health amid the Covid-19 Pandemic.
By : @ilyasismail