Lucu... di Kotaku Banyak Ternak Tidak dikandang // The funny, in my city there are a lot of Uncaged cattle

in blurtindonesia •  4 years ago 

Hello Blurt....

Aneh dan lucu, Mungkin jauh perbedaan antara kotaku dengan kota kalian. Kota kamu bersih, pemandangannya indah. Tapi di kotaku, masih jauh ketinggalan. Hewan ternak masih bebbas berkeliaran di pasar, di jalan umum. Pedagang pisang, pedagang sayur selalu merugi.

Weird and funny, maybe the difference between my city and yours. Your city is clean, the scenery is beautiful. But in my city, it is still far behind. Farm animals are still free to roam the markets, on public roads. Banana traders, vegetable traders always lose money.

Ternak di Kotaku.jpg
Source Image : Dokumen Satpol PP Aceh Timur

Sebenarnya Pemerintah telah membuat undang-undang yang melarang melepaskan hewan ternak seperti, kambing, sapi dan kerbau. Tetapi pemilik hewan peliharan di daerah saya tidak mengubrisnya.

Actually the government has made a law that prohibits the release of livestock such as goats, cows and buffalo. But pet owners in my area didn't pay attention.

Saya heran, kenapa pemilik ternak tidak patuh undang-undang. Karena gara-gara ternak kota kotor, tidak bersih, tidak hijau. saya juga bingung kenapa pemilik ternak di sekitaran kotaku tidak sadar akan kotanya bersih, tertip dan rapi.

I wonder why livestock owners do not obey the law. Because the city cattle are dirty, unclean, not green. I am also confused about why the livestock owners around my city are not aware that their city is clean, pristine and neat.

Padahal petugas polisi penertiban kota (Satpol PP) selalu melakukan penertiban hewan ternak, ditangkap, disanksi denda. Tapi pemilik ternak tidak jera. Sangat disayangkan, gara-gara ternak berkeliaran, para pedagang sayur, pedagang buah selalu resah.

In fact, Satpol PP always monitors livestock, is arrested, and is subject to fines. But the livestock owners were not deterred. It's a shame, because cattle roam, vegetable traders, fruit traders are always nervous.

Bahkan akibat ternak, kerap terjadi kecelakaan lalu lintas, karena menabrak sapi atau kambing yang lepas di jalan. Maka pada postingan ini saya ingin mengingatkan teman-teman blurt jika melewati daerah saya hati-hati di jalan ada hewan ternak muncul tiba-tiba, menerobos menyebrang jalan.

Even due to livestock, traffic accidents often occur, because they hit cows or goats roaming the road. So in this post, I want to remind Blurt's friends that if they pass through the Kotaku area, friends are careful because on the road there are livestock that suddenly appear crossing the road.

Saya pernah malam-malam saya pulang kerja, tiba-tiba satu ekor sapi menorobos jalan, hampir saja sepeda motor yang saya kenderai menabrak sapi yang tiba-tiba menorobos. Saya sekarang lebih hati-hati dan waspada saat berkendaraan di malam hari. Semoga kedepan ada solusi, agar kotaku bebas dari hewan peliharaan. Saya mau pemilik ternak patuh, beternak dengan baik. Dan menyediakan lahan gembala, kandang untuk ternak mereka.

I once came home from work at night, suddenly a cow broke through the road, almost the motorcycle I was driving hit the cow that suddenly broke through. I am now more careful and vigilant when driving at night. Hopefully in the future there will be a solution, so that my city is free from pets. I want livestock owners to obey, raise livestock well. And provide shepherds land, stables for their livestock.

By :@ilyasismail

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