Unlimited Creativity with brilliant ideas

in blurtindonesia •  4 years ago 


You may have read or heard that a child in Peru has started a bank. His name is Jose Adolfo Quisocala Condori, he founded a bank for children at his school. He was still young, 7 years old when he founded the bank "Bartselana Student Bank" which currently has 2,000 customers, with various services at the bank.

Jose's idea of ​​establishing a bank began when he saw many of his classmates spending money on candy and toys, rather than saving them. Even though he was still a child, he thought about the importance of saving and accessing finances like an adult.


He also thought about how children could get money without the help of adults. Recycling trash turned out to be the answer to that question. Although at first he was considered crazy, even his teacher said it was impossible for children his age with a very complicated system.

However, it turns out that the teacher of the class and the principal of the school where he studied supported him. The idea behind this bank model is quite simple. Children can become bank customers by handing over at least 5 kilograms of recyclable waste (paper or plastic). He collaborates with recycling entrepreneurs so that the waste he sells is expensive.

Jose firmly believes that instilling a culture of saving from childhood is one way to promote real change in Peru. Currently, she has received several awards, has been featured in foreign documentaries for her own efforts, and has been invited to events in countries around the world.


Interestingly, it turns out that Jose is not the only one in the world who makes a bank. In India, there are also banks set up by street children like that. The essence of Jose's success story as a child is to be creative in realizing each of his ideas. Jose's bank creation besides making his friends' wallets thick, has also preserved the environment.

This is where the importance of unlimited creation. Friends can also do the same thing through the Skilled Hands column in Anak Sahabat Magazine. Where in this column invites all friends to make creations both from recycled waste and other creations. Sahabat Magazine is very supportive of the creativity of friends all over Indonesia.

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