Jehangir and his bell of Justice

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Delivering Justice is one of the basic principles of good governance. It was important in the past and has similar significance today.

The Mughal Emperor Jehangir had installed a bell outside his palace that anyone could ring when they required justice. Mughal had judiciary system, however the bell was installed for general public to ring if they required intervention of Emperor, while not happy with the judgment of appointed Qazi.

Different number of strikes meant different things. Which are following:

  1. If bell struck once – Means the person who rung bell had a fight with someone which he should have won but did not so he want justice
  2. If Bell struck twice – Means someone not getting proper wages for his work and want redressal
  3. If Bell struck thrice — Means someone had been robbed
  4. If bell struck four times — Means murder had taken place (which was rare)
  5. If bell struck five times — Means other issues

So soldiers would observe the number of times the bell struck and take to the appointed judge or if its in palace to the Emperor.

Following image shows Marble screen (Jali) of Suman Burj, women quarter at Red fort Delhi; depicts ‘Balance of Justice’ at the top.

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