Chicken Momo

in blurtindia •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello readers,
Today I will share you a very famous cuisine "MoMo". The word "Momo" comes from a Chinese loanword "Momo" which translates to " Steamed Bread". It's true that the origin of "Momo" is not very clear. However, prevalent belief is that it was originated in 'Tibet' through the influence of Chinese cuisine. This dish is popular among the newar community of 'Katmandu valley', one prevalent belief is that Newari traders brought 'MoMo' techniques from 'Lhasa','Tibet'. They modified the seasonings of the dish with available ingredients. According to Oxford English Dictionary, 'MoMo' is a Tibetian teamed dumpling filled with meat or vegetables. So let's start to make "Chicken MoMo".


  1. All purpose flour-2 cups.

  2. Baking powder-1-1/2tsp.

For Fillings:-

  1. Boiled chicken-1 cup (minced).

  2. Portabello Mushrooms- 1/8 cup finely chopped.

  3. Cabbage-1/4 cup( finely chopped).

  4. Carrots- 1/4 cup(grated).

  5. Garlic- 4 cloves (minced)

  6. Onion- 1/2cup(finely chopped).

  7. Ginger- 1/2 tbsp( finely grated).

  8. Green chilies- 2( finely chopped).

  9. Soy sauce- 1/2 tbsp.

  10. Vegetable oil- 2 tsp.

  11. Salt- To taste.

  12. Black pepper corns- 1/4tbsp( crushed).

Preparation Method:-

Step 1- In a mixing bowl take all purpose flour, baking powder mix well, now add water slowly and knead to form a medium soft dough, dough shouldn't be very sticky & not very smooth, once get the proper texture cover the bowl and set aside for 25 minutes.

For Fillings:-

Step 1- Heat frying pan on medium heat, add oil once oil will became very hot add chopped garlic saute till soften,then add chopped onion and again saute till became soften.

Step 2- Now add chopped mushrooms, green chilies and saute for 5 minutes or until Mushrooms moist evaporates.

Step 3- After 5 minutes add minced chicken and cook for 5 minutes or until tender, now add soy sauce ,salt(before adding salt remember soy sauce also has salt in it), black pepper and mix well cook for another 2 minutes. Turn off flame.

Step 4- Now add grated carrots, grated cabbage into the mixture.set aside.

Step 5- Take the dough and divide equal small portion,shape them into balls and roll them out thinly to a circular shape,can use Cookie cutter, also you can use moulds which will make the process easier.

Step 6- Now take a circular shape dough and wet it's edges, now place a spoonful fillings of chicken mixture in the centre, bring the edges together to cover the fillings, twist carefully to seal the Momos while you work on rolling up edges. Repeat the same process for remaining dough.

Step 7- Now grease the Idli steamer with oil/butter, arrange Momos on the steamer and steam Momos for 15-20 minutes or until Momos steamed well.

Step 8- Now serve hot with the sauce made with cooked tomatoes flavoured with Szechwan pepper minced and Thukpa.



  1. Chicken- 300g( skinless chicken thigh fillet).

  2. Onion- 1 (chopped).

  3. Carrot- 1 medium (cut into thin matchsticks size).

  4. Spring onions- 7( julienned).

  5. Szechwan pepper Powder- 1/4 tsp.

  6. Ginger- 5g( julienned).

  7. Coriander leaves- Handful (chopped).

  8. Honey- 1 tsp.

  9. Egg noodles- 150g.

  10. Garlic cloves- 4-5( finely chopped).

  11. Soy sauce- 1 tsp.

  12. Olive oil- 2 tbsp.

  13. Salt- To taste.

Preparation Method:-

Step 1- Heat olive oil and shallow Fry the chicken till turns light brown. Now add chopped onion,ginger, Garlic, spring onions, carrots, sprinkle salt and saute for 2-3 minutes,now add Szechwan pepper Powder,black pepper combine well.

Step 2- Now add 1 cup of water and let it boil for about 5 minutes in simmer.

Step 3- After 5 minutes add soy sauce and honey, stir broth gently and cover it, let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Step 4- Now take out chicken from broth and shred it, add egg noodles into the broth and cook for 5 minutes, return the shredded chicken back to the broth and let it cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Step 5- Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and spring onions.

Step 6- Serve hot with steamed Momos.

image credit: source, source

N.B. This article was also published on my personal blog :

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