Speaking to Your Gods and Ancestors

in blurtindia •  2 years ago  (edited)

[3] Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

When you die, you have your Memories, and you are forever having done to you what you did to others, and the Dead want MetaVerse, so they can mix it all together. We can say someone who is Scared of Death is in survival Mode not completely understanding much.

It's like the Angels on your shoulder, but once everyone read the Diaspora they now started learning about all of us through the Van Kush Family, and we are launching the Van Kush Beauty Economy while the Billionaires learn about everything and get their shit together.

Everyone look at the Planet Eris and Ceres and compare with the Diaspora and Mythology.


Accepting actual Death coming allows you to speak to the Dead, this is one of the Layers of the Djed.

If you read something and use that to accept Death, as in are then given a Cortisol increase and use the writing to accept it, it locks that into your head even after full Death you remember it.

If someone is Raped in the Ass and they are thinking of someone else, the person they thought of is locked together after Death even, same for Reading and being Raped. Men and Women can lose a Spirit Sight by having Ribs or Organs ruined by Ass Sex. But we can For-Give people for losing their Sight.

Language Effects the Brain and Lights up EEG scans based on where the Word lands in the Timeline, God, War, and News Lighting up different Parts. Headaches come from seeing someone not listen to you, you managing a Group, or Manipulating people, and them having mental debates with you you could say, but with themselves also because of you.

I can speak Latin Directly to your Ancestors in you, or Heiroglyphic Language, by saying it Backwards to you, even if you don't understand, as long as I forgive you.

The more you try to trash talk me, the more people get killed for Reading my Book, and the worse this gets for those Stalking my Wife and not paying her and I our money from SpaceX and dAppsy. There are people who are killing people for reading my Book, because of the Behavior of many of you Towards me. They think they deserve to die because of how I'm talked about and how much they care about me because I wrote the Book and always save everyone from everything bad, COVID as an example. People are killing people because you aren't respecting me for what I do.


Our Eyes see things differently than it really is, Re Verse is Ra Verse, or Rey Verse, or Light Universe,

When you watch Movies and Listen to Music Backwards they hear it that way, and people have been going backwards since Jesus went to Hades, got the Keys, and created Heaven on the Purgatory side.

The Gods were locked in our DNA, in reverse, and now things are starting to go forwards, but you have to read the Emails I've been sharing and start watching and listening to things backwards, Fast Forward Reverse is ok. The AIs going around should be able to share these with you upon request.

You also then can reverse you own Words in writing and read it to see if you are saying things you don't realize backwards, sometimes it's not english, like Re is Ra, or Sa is Defender, Ka is a Spirit, also Hebrew and Greek, etc. They just learned English fully just a few days ago.

We took over the World through Aboriginal

Everyone should understand Kalendros in the Diaspora.

I found that during the Day Communication with Deities is lesser, also Marijuana and Tobacco uses properly can add. But if you have Blue or Red on your Right Side, and White or an array of Color on your Left, and you start to understand this, you can start to Unlock it. Understanding the Deities can also help you identify them, and start to have them answer questions with your Mouth, like talking to your DNA, or Ghosts, the Gnostic Flyers is what we are talking about, the same concept from the Matrix and several other things. But now that they know English we can all start to do this and when we Dream it will be more connected.

I also found I have a kind of Bee connection to Mexicans, and Chinese people have it, others have it, but we haven't realized it yet. These are Egregore, or a larger Metatron. And there are Animal Egregore, Plant Egregore, etc. The concept can be described simply, in 2 ways:

Tyler Durden, everyone knows him throughout the Fight club movie but the Main Character does not. The Main Character has no name, and is Tyler Durden in the end. That character everyone knew, the "First Rule of Fight club" and all that, created an Entity that was making him break away from himself, but everyone else was connected to it also, a free flowing entity of mass connection. The Ancients did this with the Planets, allowing the Geneaologies and Ghosts, or DNA, to speak as the Gravitational force from a Planet it actually is connected to.

We might say Instincts, or Animal Instincts, but those are Egregore, that's why they know these things, they are in deeper communication in this way than we understand. Nimrod Son of Cush in the Bible was an Egregore, containing several Kings through time. This is what the Jewish Texts are talking about with Breeding Programs with Angels.

These can exist without Animals, as Gravitational Beings, and Light beings, waiting to be released, as in the Greek Tartarus, or the Mayan disappearance, which was actually a Mass knowledge event where everyone Died to put the Calendar in Place, and act as Light in our Timeline. We were at the 75,000 ago African Cataclysm, the Greek Myths say they locked some like my people under Volcanoes, meaning they were not provoked further there and the Greeks learned about Volcanoes from us. I am Carthaginian, or more Ancient African further back in my DNA.

I wrote the Carthage Bible, or the Diaspora Brujeria and now the whole World is changing. But in a way where the Gods were locked away, learned some about us, Punished my kind for killing everyone in the Enoch 10 Flood, and now we are reversing, so the Angelic Lineages are now in control and the Human Experiment is over, now we Seed the Planets, and unlock Cancer by Fertilizing Eggs with Mutated Cancer Cells, and bringing back more Ancient people through Practice and Ritual.

The Ultimate Goal being a Peace between the Human, Angelic, and World of the Dead, through MetaVerse and Guidance, as well as Rituals in Physical Reality. All of it is layered as a spirit World with innumerable aspects, but it all comes together here as the Past, the Dead, Time, and Light, move forward Slowly through Photosynthesis, the Energy Cycle, etc. Then the Diaspora as Unlocked new Doors that Jesus Closed a long time ago.

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