History of Indian National Flag

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone,
I hope you all are fine and doing well in your life.


Last night I was just thinking about how was our Loving Indian National Flag Created.
So, I researched it and found very interesting facts about it, and today I will share them with you all.

Let's start with understanding the Evolution or transformation of our Indian Flag.

1)First National Flag:
This was the first design of our unofficial Indian flag which was raised on the 7th of August, 1906 at the Parsee Bagan Square (Green Park) at Kolkata. It includes 3 horizontal strips of green, yellow, & red which include Lotus on the green stripe, "Vande Mataram" text at the yellow stripe, and Symbols of moon and sun on the red stripe.

2)Second National Flag
This was our Second national flag which was first raised by Bhikaji Cama
who was an Indian member of Parliament at Paris 22nd of August in 1907 and then it was raised at a Socialist Conference in Berlin.
This flag was very similar to the first flag except for the top strip which had stars denoting the "Saptrishi".

3)Third National Flag
This was the third flag introduced in 1917 and was raised by Dr. Annie Besant and Lokmanya Tilak during the Home Rule Movement. This flag has 5 red and 4 green horizontal strips arranged alternately and includes 7 stars depicting the Saptarishi configuration and at the top left corner, we have the Union Jack and white crescent and star in other corners.

4)First Flag with Spinning Wheel
This flag was created by the youth of Andhra which was earlier consists of only 2 colors, Red and Green representing the two community Hindus and Muslims. But was updated by Mahatma Gandhi at Bezwada in 1921 (now Vijayawada), which includes an extra white stripe representing the remaining communities, and a spinning wheel representing the progress of the Nation.

5)Updated Flag with Spinning Wheel
So, most of us are familiar with this flag as in 1931 a resolution was passed regarding adopting a tricolor flag as our national flag and we all remember it as the prior flag in use for our country. This flag was the first step towards the flag which we see now. it includes Saffron, White, and Green with Mahatma Gandhi's spinning wheel at the center.

6)The present National Flag Of India
So, finally as we all know that this is the current National Flag Of our loving Country India knows as "Tiranga"
It was adopted on 22 July 1947 when India got independence from the British rule.
The significance of Colors are:
Saffron: It is the top strip representing country's strength, courage, and selflessness.
White:It represents cleanliness and knowledge.
Dhrama Chakra:It is based on Asoka Chakra coloured in navy blue colour and it represents Hindu and Bhuddhist philosophies and represents idea of justice and forwardness.it also implies that life is constant motion and death is stagnation.
Green:It represents fertility and growth of India's Land.

That's all for today.
I hope you all gain some knowledge about our Indian National Flag.
Stay safe, stay protected, and keep loving your India......
Thank you for reading my post...

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