in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Today I want to share one of my personal missions with everyone on Blurt. Specially with my team that includes :-

  1. @sunitahive
  2. @kahkashanrkploy
  3. @true.moaaz
  4. @khatoon298
  5. @mkdigwal
  6. @arsalan7
  7. @iammufasa
  8. @mohdzaid

Also my new friend @zahidsun and second the person i see as a big brother , @imransoudagar.

It is when i was in the 1st year of my college a incident happened with me , so i would like to share that with all of you.
One day when i was goin to the college , i go to the college with my father on Autorickshaw.
So the Auto stopped at one of the red lights that use to come between my house and the college.


I saw something there that stayed in my heart , my mind forever. I saw three children who were talking to each other , one of them was writing something on the window of a car and he asked the other two that what have i written.
To this the other two can't reply and asked the first child to tell what was written on the window and he said , "I don't know i just saw this written somewhere and remembered so i wrote it here.

Ooo , we also wan't to do this and the red lights turned into green and the Auto passed by the children.
I took out my head and stared at those children until they got out of my vision.

Now i started thinking about those kids and the spirit they hold to get education.
There might be so many of them , right...?

So that day i decided that i have to help those kids , and i have thought many things by which we can help those kids.
I don't know if i ll get support from people but even if i am alone and able to make my hardwork pays to even a single child , i would more than happy.

Atleast i tried , and i ll not regret myself for doing nothing.
I will surely discuss my ideas and i hope my friends from blurt will help me.

Thank You

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You got me another time with your story.

So wat i can do for you to help?

I sit here, thausands of miles away and thought about it. Spending money, was the first thought.

But what do you want to do whit it at this point? Right Nothing.

So i thought more.

How to help people on the other side of the planet.

The idea i got: You should build a network!

Form the idea out. Example, to give Kids who need it one lesson per week to learn read and write. What do you need to do that? How much kids you are able to get in your place? And so on. Answer this question, form the idea out and build a network. Like you mentioned you friends here, the idea should grow on and on. So people get their eyes on it and the idea get a form out of the heads in the reality.

That is how i can help you. Give a help to help.

Have a nice time my friend. A lot people can do a lot with a little bit energy from everybody.


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