in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone , today i will be talking about the national bird of my country , India i.e Peacock.

The peacock is a multi - colorful bird that is as big as a swan in size. It is found in India at places like jammu and kashmir , In the eastern part of Assam , the southern part of Mizoram and in the entire Indian Peninsula.

Oh I missed one of the places and that is near the Indus river especially at the south and east part of the river.
Now it is really a amazing fact as well that our country is also have a lot to do with this Indus river when it comes to the name of our country as well.

Anyways , I will be talking about our National Bird and maybe someday later I will discuss about the Indus River and our country as that is a topic worth discussion.



So why is Peacock the National Bird of India. Well first of all let me tell that peacock was declared as the National Bird of India in the year 1963 so yes the thing was done after India got Independence.

The reason for that was peacock is free from any religion molestation.
No one fights for it also the multiple colors and so many feathers ( 200 feathers) also signifies the tradition of our country.

Our country has lot of religion followed by people , lot of culture , tradition and thats why a bird that is having so many features and colors was selected as the National Bird of our country.

Apart from the religion molestation Peacock itself is also protected by the Indian Wildlife Protection Act that was introduced in 1972 so it is anyways a crime to molest or harm our National bird in anyway.

So that's all about our National Bird.
I hope this post was a informative for all the readers.

Thank you.

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