in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

hello today i will talk about one of the most amazing invention that was created in India/By Indians.
A Ruler , don't get me wrong I am not talking about the ruler of a kingdom but a Ruler that is used to take measurements.

Now , It might not bother you but I think it is really interesting that a ruler was invented and first used by indians.



The first use was noticed long back before the 1500 BC during the Indus Valley Civilisation.
It was made of an ivory and was really helpful for measuring even in the decimals.

The world is known that the France first introduced the metric system and before that people used things like hand , foots etc for measuring the required area or anything they wanted to measure.

The first ruler that was found to be dated from around 2650BC was made of copper alloy that was used for measuring. It was found by a German assyriologist Eckhard Unger.

But the truth is that the Rulers made of ivory were already used back in the 1500BC by the Indus Valley civilisation.
You will be amazed to know that there were rulers that were found to be calibrated upto 1.6 mm that was also about 4400 years old.

Also a Mohan Jodaro ruler got the accuracy of as low as 0.13 mm.
So that's all for todays , i hope this post was informative to all.

Thank you

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