How can you stop yourself from committing Suicide

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Now today's topic might sounds little bit awkward to many of the readers here but i am still gonna write on it.

In the past few months in India many big people have committed suicide.

It doesn't actually matter if they were famous or not. A suicide is Suicide.



Do you know one does not have to suicide at all in any condition.
If you have problems related to your life , job ,health it anything else you don't have to commit suicide.

And for that to happen you just have to follow these simple basic rules.

  1. don't follow someone blindly. Recently Sushant singh rajput committed suicide. he was really famous right , he was an inspiration to many youth in India.
    After he committed suicide he gave reason to the people in problem with there life , why follow him to give up.
    If sushant being so rich can commit suicide why can't I...?
    So choose your ideal person carefully and don't blindly follow him.

  2. Have patience. If you earn less money, think of those who was even lesser money then you or who don't even earn anything.

  3. Get in contact with your parents , your elders. they are the most experienced person who can guide you properly.

  4. Share your problem , speak and discuss with friends and family.

  5. Do what your hobbies are. stay happy , interact with nature.

  6. Get in contact with God. become religious ( just my opinion).

  7. Never give up.

Think about your mom , dad , brother , sister, children and your entire family what will they do without you...?

will they be happy without you...?

Ask yourself and take decision for them.

no one hates you and even if someone hates you let them do so.
believe in yourself.

Plz never give up on your life.
It is the most beautiful gift from the god to us all don't take it for granted.

I would finish by saying a Urdu Shey (Shayari )

Ganimat samajh zindagi ki bahar...
ke ana na hoga yaha bar bar...

English translation :

Feel blessed to live this beautiful life....
as you won't get chance to come and feel this again and again...

Thank you...

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

meditate deeply to find the source of the problem and write everything down so you don't keep thoughts going round in endless circles.

Serious topic. Although, if someone has decided to end his life for understandable reasons, we should accept it. I think, for example, chronically ill people with no hope of recovery, whose new day only means new pain. Saying goodbye is not easy, but sometimes it is also time to let go.

yes , you are right...!
though we have people of both the categories:

  1. fighting but never giving up.
  2. Giving up even on small problems.

Still we should teach from our home to small Childers as many parents ignore these topics.

We should be their friend so that they share their problem with us rather fighting with them alone.