Tulsi or Basil plant is one which you can find in most of the homes in India. The palnt has good medicine abilities and thats the season it has place in almoat every house in India. Even the worship of plant daily in the morning is tradition in some places.
Ocimum Tenuiflorm is te scientific name of the plant.
Tulsi is used in many Ayurveda practice and has a number of benifits fot body.
In Ayurveda it is known as " The incomparable one" and "The Queen of Herbs"
In general it is very effective to avoid seasonal the cold and cough. The leaves may be consumed in raw state (don't forget to clean it with water) directly from plant or you can put the leaves on boiling water and consume water in lukewarm stage.
Tulsi found effective and protect the tissue and organs again the chemical stress because of the pollutants or heavy metals.
The dried leaves was also used in stored grain to repel the insect.
The stydies reveals that the Tulsi is antimicrobial, mosquito repellent, anti-oxident, anti cataract, cardio protective, anti hypertensive, anti allergic.
It has a good ability of interlbody housekeeping, and protects the bodybfrom toxic damage.
I personally like to add it in warm water or in tea. I like the taste and armor.
Thanks for stopping by.
Welcome here @guurry123
Thanks @olivia08