Can someone recognize this snake or know if it is venomous?

in blurtindia •  4 years ago 

Disclaimer: Before starting, I'm categorizing this post as NSFW because some people might find snake images disturbing. If you scared of snakes please skip this post as it contains images and information related to snakes.

Not that I'm not afraid of snakes but I admire them so much. In this article, I would like to share some information that we found a dead snake near the door in the house. We couldn't figure out how this could have happened but it was sad to see this small snake die.

From the looks of it, we noticed that the snake tried to go inside the house when the door was open and we banged the door without our knowledge and the snake got in between the door. It was a very small snake and I'm sure it was looking for some prey that would help in satisfying its hunger.





Can anyone recognize this snake?

I'm not sure how many of you who read this are familiar with snakes but I would like to ask this question to know what snake it would have been. I mostly think it should be the common rat snake but I'm keen to understand what type of snake this is. The main reason is that if this small snake is roaming, there should definitely be a bigger one around somewhere. That is why I would like to know what it is and if it is venomous or not.

I know this is not a cobra but looking at the design in its body, I think it should be a rat snake that came this way looking for some prey. It is pretty small in size. It might even have some siblings and parents as well in the locality.


Posted via | The City of Neoxian

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

NSFW ...LOL! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Sad demise ...but it was accidental!